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Siddhi 4.x Streaming SQL Guide


Siddhi Streaming SQL is designed to process event streams in a streaming manner, detect complex event occurrences, and notify them in real-time.

Siddhi Application

Streaming processing and Complex Event Processing rules can be written is Siddhi Streaming SQL and they can be put together as a SiddhiApp in a single file.


Each Siddhi Application is an isolated processing unit that allows you to deploy and execute queries independent of other Siddhi applications in the system.

The following diagram depicts how event flows work with some of the key Siddhi Streaming SQL elements The following diagram depicts how event flows work with some of the key Siddhi Streaming SQL elements of the Siddhi Application.

Event Flow

Below table provides brief description of a few key elements in the Siddhi Streaming SQL Language.

Elements Description
Stream A logical series of events ordered in time with a uniquely identifiable name, and set of defined attributes with specific data types defining its schema.
Event An event is associated with only one stream, and all events of that stream have an identical set of attributes that are assigned specific types (or the same schema). An event contains a timestamp and set of attribute values according to the schema.
Table A structured representation of data stored with a defined schema. Stored data can be backed by In-Memory, RDBMs, MongoDB, etc. to be accessed and manipulated at runtime.
Query A logical construct that processes events in streaming manner by combining existing streams and/or tables, and generates events to an output stream or table. A query consumes one or more input streams, and zero or one table. Then it processes these events in a streaming manner and publishes the output events to streams or tables for further processing or to generate notifications.
Source A contract that consumes data from external sources (such as TCP, Kafka, HTTP, etc)in the form of events, then converts each event (which can be in XML, JSON, binary, etc. format) to a Siddhi event, and passes that to a Stream for processing.
Sink A contract that takes events arriving at a stream, maps them to a predefined data format (such as XML, JSON, binary, etc), and publishes them to external endpoints (such as E-mail, TCP, Kafka, HTTP, etc).
Input Handler A mechanism to programmatically inject events into streams.
Stream/Query Callback A mechanism to programmatically consume output events from streams and queries.
Partition A logical container that isolates the processing of queries based on partition keys. Here, a separate instance of queries is generated for each partition key to achieve isolation.
Inner Stream A positionable stream that connects portioned queries within their partitions, preserving isolation.


An element of Siddhi SQL can be composed together as a script in a Siddhi application, Here each construct must be separated by a semicolon ( ; ) as shown in the below syntax.

<siddhi app>  : 
        <app annotation> * 
        ( <stream definition> | <table definition> | ... ) + 
        ( <query> | <partition> ) +

Example Siddhi Application named Temperature-Analytics defined with a stream named TempStream and a query named 5minAvgQuery for processing it.


define stream TempStream (deviceID long, roomNo int, temp double);

@info(name = '5minAvgQuery')
from TempStream#window.time(5 min)
select roomNo, avg(temp) as avgTemp
  group by roomNo
insert into OutputStream;


A stream is a logical series of events ordered in time. Its schema is defined via the stream definition. A stream definition contains a unique name and a set of attributes with specific types and uniquely identifiable names within the stream. All the events that are selected to be received into a specific stream have the same schema (i.e., have the same attributes in the same order).


By defining a schema it unifies common types of events together. This enables them to be processed via queries using their defined attributes in a streaming manner, and allow sinks and sources to map events to/from various data formats.


The syntax for defining a new stream is as follows.

define stream <stream name> (<attribute name> <attribute type>, <attribute name> <attribute type>, ... );
The following parameters are configured in a stream definition.

Parameter Description
stream name The name of the stream created. (It is recommended to define a stream name in PascalCase.)
attribute name The schema of an stream is defined by its attributes with uniquely identifiable attribute names. (It is recommended to define attribute names in camelCase.)
attribute type The type of each attribute defined in the schema.

To use and refer stream and attribute names that do not follow [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]* format enclose them in `. E.g. ```$test(0)` ```.

To make the stream process events in asynchronous and multi-threading manner use the @Async annotation as shown in Threading and Asynchronous configuration section.


define stream TempStream (deviceID long, roomNo int, temp double);
The above creates a stream named TempStream with the following attributes.

  • deviceID of type long
  • roomNo of type int
  • temp of type double


Sources receive events via multiple transports and in various data formats, and direct them into streams for processing.

A source configuration allows you to define a mapping in order to convert each incoming event from its native data format to a Siddhi event. When customizations to such mappings are not provided, Siddhi assumes that the arriving event adheres to the predefined format based on the stream definition and the selected message format.


Source allows Siddhi to consume events from external systems, and map the events to adhere to the associated stream.


To configure a stream that consumes events via a source, add the source configuration to a stream definition by adding the @source annotation with the required parameter values. The source syntax is as follows:

@source(type='source_type', static.option.key1='static_option_value1', static.option.keyN='static_option_valueN',
    @map(type='map_type', static.option_key1='static_option_value1', static.option.keyN='static_option_valueN',
        @attributes( attributeN='attribute_mapping_N', attribute1='attribute_mapping_1')
define stream StreamName (attribute1 Type1, attributeN TypeN);
This syntax includes the following annotations. Source

The type parameter of @source defines the source type that receives events. The other parameters to be configured depends on the source type selected, some of the the parameters are optional.

For detailed information about the parameters see the documentation for the relevant source.

The following is the list of source types that are currently supported:

Source Mapper

Each @source configuration has a mapping denoted by the @map annotation that converts the incoming messages format to Siddhi events.

The type parameter of the @map defines the map type to be used to map the data. The other parameters to be configured depends on the mapper selected. Some of these parameters are optional.
For detailed information about the parameters see the documentation for the relevant mapper.


When the @map annotation is not provided, @map(type='passThrough') is used as default. This default mapper type can be used when source consumes Siddhi events and when it does not need any mappings.

Map Attributes

@attributes is an optional annotation used with @map to define custom mapping. When @attributes is not provided, each mapper assumes that the incoming events adhere to its own default data format. By adding the @attributes annotation, you can configure mappers to extract data from the incoming message selectively, and assign them to attributes.

There are two ways you can configure map attributes.

  1. Defining attributes as keys and mapping content as values in the following format:
    @attributes( attributeN='mapping_N', attribute1='mapping_1')
  2. Defining the mapping content of all attributes in the same order as how the attributes are defined in stream definition:
    @attributes( 'mapping_1', 'mapping_N')

Supported Mapping Types

The following is a list of currently supported source mapping types:


This query receives events via the HTTP source in the JSON data format, and directs them to the InputStream stream for processing. Here the HTTP source is configured to receive events on all network interfaces on the 8080port, on the foo context, and it is secured via basic authentication.

@source(type='http', receiver.url='', basic.auth.enabled='true', 
define stream InputStream (name string, age int, country string);


Sinks publish events from the streams via multiple transports to external endpoints in various data formats.

A sink configuration allows you to define a mapping to convert the Siddhi event to the required output data format (such as JSON, TEXT, XML, etc.). When customization to such mappings is not provided, Siddhi converts events to its default format based on the stream definition and the selected data format to publish the events.


Sinks provide a way to publish Siddhi events to external systems in the preferred data format.


To configure a stream to publish events via a sink, add the sink configuration to a stream definition by adding the @sink annotation with the required parameter values. The sink syntax is as follows:

@sink(type='sink_type', static_option_key1='static_option_value1', dynamic_option_key1='{{dynamic_option_value1}}',
    @map(type='map_type', static_option_key1='static_option_value1', dynamic_option_key1='{{dynamic_option_value1}}',
define stream StreamName (attribute1 Type1, attributeN TypeN);

Dynamic Properties

The sink and sink mapper properties that are categorized as dynamic have the ability to absorb attributes values from their associated streams. This can be done by using the attribute names in double curly braces as {{...}} when configuring the property value.

Some valid dynamic properties values are:

  • '{{attribute1}}'
  • 'This is {{attribute1}}'
  • {{attribute1}} > {{attributeN}}

Here the attribute names in the double curly braces will be replaced with event values during execution.

This syntax includes the following annotations.


The type parameter of the @sink annotation defines the sink type that publishes the events. The other parameters to be configured depends on the sink type selected. Some of these parameters are optional, and some can have dynamic values.

For detailed information about the parameters see documentation for the relevant sink.

The following is a list of currently supported sink types.

Distributed Sink

Distributed Sinks publish events from a defined stream to multiple destination endpoints using load balancing and partitioning strategies.

Any ordinary sink can be used as a distributed sink. A distributed sink configuration allows you to define a common mapping to convert the Siddhi events for all its destination endpoints, allows you to define a distribution strategy (e.g. roundRobin, partitioned), and configuration for each specific endpoint destination.


Distributed sinks provide a way to publish Siddhi events to multiple destination endpoints in the preferred data format.


To configure a stream to publish events via a distributed sink, add the sink configuration to a stream definition by adding the @sink annotation and add the configuration parameters that are common of all the destination endpoints inside the @sink annotation along with @distribution and @destination annotations providing distribution strategy and endpoint specific configurations. The distributed sink syntax is as follows:

RoundRobin Distributed Sink

Publishes events to defined destinations in a round robin manner.

@sink(type='sink_type', common_option_key1='common_option_value1', common_option_key2='{{common_option_value1}}',
    @map(type='map_type', option_key1='option_value1', option_key2='{{option_value1}}',
define stream StreamName (attribute1 Type1, attributeN TypeN);

Partitioned Distributed Sink

Publishes events to defined destinations by partitioning based on the hashcode of the events partition key.

@sink(type='sink_type', common_option_key1='common_option_value1', common_option_key2='{{common_option_value1}}',
    @map(type='map_type', option_key1='option_value1', option_key2='{{option_value1}}',
    @distribution(strategy='partitioned', partitionKey='partition_key',
define stream StreamName (attribute1 Type1, attributeN TypeN);

Sink Mapper

Each @sink annotation has a mapping denoted by the @map annotation that converts the Siddhi event to an outgoing message format.

The type parameter of the @map annotation defines the map type based on which the event is mapped. The other parameters to be configured depends on the mapper selected. Some of these parameters are optional and some have dynamic values.

For detailed information about the parameters see the documentation for the relevant mapping type.


When the @map annotation is not provided, @map(type='passThrough') is used by default. This can be used when the sink publishes in the Siddhi event format, or when it does not need any mappings.

Map Payload

@payload is an optional annotation used with the @map annotation to define a custom mapping. When the @payload annotation is not provided, each mapper maps the outgoing events to its own default data format. By defining the @payload annotation you can configure mappers to produce the output payload with attribute names of your choice, using dynamic properties by selectively assigning the attributes in your preferred format.

There are two ways you can configure the @payload annotation.

  1. Some mappers such as XML, JSON, and Test accept only one output payload using the following format:
    @payload( 'This is a test message from {{user}}.' )
  2. Some mappers such key-value accept series of mapping values defined as follows:
    @payload( key1='mapping_1', 'key2'='user : {{user}}')
    Here, apart from the dotted key names sush as a.b.c, any constant string value such as '$abc' can also by used as a key.

Supported Mapping Types

The following is a list of currently supported sink mapping types:


Following query publishes events from the OutputStream stream to an HTTP endpoint. Here the events are mapped to the default JSON payloads and sent to http://localhost:8005/endpoint using the POST method, with theAccept header, and secured via basic authentication where admin is both the username and the password.

@sink(type='http', publisher.url='http://localhost:8005/endpoint', method='POST', headers='Accept-Date:20/02/2017', 
  basic.auth.username='admin', basic.auth.password='admin', basic.auth.enabled='true',
define stream OutputStream (name string, ang int, country string);

Following query publishes events from the OutputStream stream to multiple the HTTP endpoints using partitioning strategy. Here the events sent to either http://localhost:8005/endpoint1 or http://localhost:8006/endpoint2 based on the partitioning key country. It uses default JSON mapping, POST method, and used admin as both the username and the password when publishing to both the endpoints.

@sink(type='http', method='POST', basic.auth.username='admin', basic.auth.password='admin', 
  basic.auth.enabled='true', @map(type='json'),
  @distribution(strategy='partitioned', partitionKey='country',
define stream OutputStream (name string, ang int, country string);


Each Siddhi query can consume one or more streams, and 0-1 tables, process the events in a streaming manner, and then generate an output event to a stream or perform a CRUD operation to a table.


A query enables you to perform complex event processing and stream processing operations by processing incoming events one by one in the order they arrive.


All queries contain an input and an output section. Some also contain a projection section. A simple query with all three sections is as follows.

from <input stream> 
select <attribute name>, <attribute name>, ...
insert into <output stream/table>

This query included in a Siddhi Application consumes events from the TempStream stream (that is already defined) and outputs the room temperature and the room number to the RoomTempStream stream.

Inferred Stream

Here, the RoomTempStream is an inferred Stream, which means it can be used as any other defined stream without explicitly defining its stream definition. The definition of the RoomTempStream is inferred from the first query that produces the stream.

Query Projection

Siddhi queries supports the following for query projections.

Action Description
Selecting required objects for projection This involves selecting only some of the attributes from the input stream to be inserted into an output stream.

E.g., The following query selects only the `roomNo` and `temp` attributes from the `TempStream` stream.
from TempStream
select roomNo, temp
insert into RoomTempStream;
Selecting all attributes for projection Selecting all the attributes in an input stream to be inserted into an output stream. This can be done by using asterisk ( * ) or by omitting the `select` statement.

E.g., Both the following queries select all the attributes in the `NewTempStream` stream.
from TempStream
select *
insert into NewTempStream;
from TempStream
insert into NewTempStream;
Renaming attributes This selects attributes from the input streams and inserts them into the output stream with different names.

E.g., This query renames `roomNo` to `roomNumber` and `temp` to `temperature`.
from TempStream 
select roomNo as roomNumber, temp as temperature
insert into RoomTempStream;
Introducing the constant value This adds constant values by assigning it to an attribute using `as`.

E.g., This query specifies 'C' to be used as the constant value for `scale` attribute.
from TempStream
select roomNo, temp, 'C' as scale
insert into RoomTempStream;
Using mathematical and logical expressions This uses attributes with mathematical and logical expressions in the precedence order given below, and assigns them to the output attribute using `as`.

Operator precedence
Operator Distribution Example
() Scope
(cost + tax) * 0.05
IS NULL Null check
deviceID is null
NOT Logical NOT
not (price > 10)
* / % Multiplication, division, modulo
temp * 9/5 + 32
+ - Addition, substraction
temp * 9/5 - 32
< <= > >= Comparators: less-than, greater-than-equal, greater-than, less-than-equal
totalCost >= price * quantity
== != Comparisons: equal, not equal
totalCost !=  price * quantity
IN Contains in table
roomNo in ServerRoomsTable
AND Logical AND
temp < 40 and (humidity < 40 or humidity >= 60)
OR Logical OR
temp < 40 or (humidity < 40 and humidity >= 60)
E.g., Converting Celsius to Fahrenheit and identifying rooms with room number between 10 and 15 as server rooms.
from TempStream
select roomNo, temp * 9/5 + 32 as temp, 'F' as scale, roomNo > 10 and roomNo < 15 as isServerRoom
insert into RoomTempStream;


A function consumes zero, one or more parameters and always produces a result value. It can be used in any location where an attribute can be used.


Functions encapsulates complex execution logic that makes Siddhi applications simple and easy to understand.

Function Parameters

Functions parameters can be attributes, constant values, results of other functions, results of mathematical or logical expressions or time parameters. Function parameters vary depending on the function being called.

Time is a special parameter that can be defined using the integer time value followed by its unit as <int> <unit>. Following are the supported unit types. Upon execution, time returns the value in the scale of milliseconds as a long value.

Unit Syntax
Year year | years
Month month | months
Week week | weeks
Day day | days
Hour hour | hours
Minutes minute | minutes | min
Seconds second | seconds | sec
Milliseconds millisecond | milliseconds

E.g. Passing 1 hour and 25 minutes to test() function.

test(1 hour 25 min)


Functions, mathematical expressions, and logical expressions can be used in a nested manner.

Following are some inbuilt functions shipped with Siddhi, for more functions refer execution extensions.


The following configuration converts the roomNo to string and adds a messageID to each event using the convert and UUID functions.

from TempStream
select convert(roomNo, 'string') as roomNo, temp, UUID() as messageID
insert into RoomTempStream;


Filters are included in queries to filter information from input streams based on a specified condition.


A filter allows you to separate events that match a specific condition as the output, or for further processing.


Filter conditions should be defined in square brackets next to the input stream name as shown below.

from <input stream>[<filter condition>]
select <attribute name>, <attribute name>, ...
insert into <output stream>


This query filters all server rooms of which the room number is within the range of 100-210, and having temperature greater than 40 degrees from the TempStream stream, and inserts the results into the HighTempStream stream.

from TempStream[(roomNo >= 100 and roomNo < 210) and temp > 40]
select roomNo, temp
insert into HighTempStream;


Windows allow you to capture a subset of events based on a specific criterion from an input stream for calculation. Each input stream can only have a maximum of one window.


To create subsets of events within a stream based on time duration, number of events, etc for processing. A window can operate in a sliding or tumbling (batch) manner.


The #window prefix should be inserted next to the relevant stream in order to use a window.


Filter condition can be applied both before and/or after the window


If you want to identify the maximum temperature out of the last 10 events, you need to define a length window of 10 events. This window operates in a sliding mode where the following 3 subsets are calculated when a list of 12 events are received in a sequential order.

Subset Event Range
1 1-10
2 2-11
3 3-12

The following query finds the maximum temperature out of last 10 events from the TempStream stream, and inserts the results into the MaxTempStream stream.

from TempStream#window.length(10)
select max(temp) as maxTemp
insert into MaxTempStream;

If you define the maximum temperature reading out of every 10 events, you need to define a lengthBatch window of 10 events. This window operates as a batch/tumbling mode where the following 3 subsets are calculated when a list of 30 events are received in a sequential order.

Subset Event Range
1 1-10
2 11-20
3 21-30

The following query finds the maximum temperature out of every 10 events from the TempStream stream, and inserts the results into the MaxTempStream stream.

from TempStream#window.lengthBatch(10)
select max(temp) as maxTemp
insert into MaxTempStream;


Similar operations can be done based on time via time windows and timeBatch windows and for others. Code segments such as #window.time(10 min) considers events that arrive during the last 10 minutes in a sliding manner, and the #window.timeBatch(2 min) considers events that arrive every 2 minutes in a tumbling manner.

Following are some inbuilt windows shipped with Siddhi. For more window types, see execution extensions.

Output event types

Projection of the query depends on the output event types such as, current and expired event types. By default all queries produce current events and only queries with windows produce expired events when events expire from the window. You can specify whether the output of a query should be only current events, only expired events or both current and expired events.

Note! Controlling the output event types does not alter the execution within the query, and it does not affect the accuracy of the query execution.

The following keywords can be used with the output stream to manipulate output.

Output event types Description
current events Outputs events when incoming events arrive to be processed by the query.
This is default when no specific output event type is specified.
expired events Outputs events when events expires from the window.
all events Outputs events when incoming events arrive to be processed by the query as well as
when events expire from the window.

The output event type keyword can be used between insert and into as shown in the following example.


This query delays all events in a stream by 1 minute.

from TempStream#window.time(1 min)
select *
insert expired events into DelayedTempStream

Aggregate function

Aggregate functions perform aggregate calculations in the query. When a window is defined the aggregation is restricted within that window. If no window is provided aggregation is performed from the start of the Siddhi application.


from <input stream>#window.<window name>(<parameter>, <parameter>, ... )
select <aggregate function>(<parameter>, <parameter>, ... ) as <attribute name>, <attribute2 name>, ...
insert into <output stream>;

Aggregate Parameters

Aggregate parameters can be attributes, constant values, results of other functions or aggregates, results of mathematical or logical expressions, or time parameters. Aggregate parameters configured in a query depends on the aggregate function being called.


The following query calculates the average value for the temp attribute of the TempStream stream. This calculation is done for the last 10 minutes in a sliding manner, and the result is output as avgTemp to the AvgTempStream output stream.

from TempStream#window.time(10 min)
select avg(temp) as avgTemp, roomNo, deviceID
insert into AvgTempStream;
Following are some inbuilt aggregation functions shipped with Siddhi, for more aggregation functions, see execution extensions.

Group By

Group By allows you to group the aggregate based on specified attributes.

Syntax The syntax for the Group By aggregate function is as follows:

from <input stream>#window.<window name>(...)
select <aggregate function>( <parameter>, <parameter>, ...) as <attribute1 name>, <attribute2 name>, ...
group by <attribute1 name>, <attribute2 name> ...
insert into <output stream>;

Example The following query calculates the average temperature per roomNo and deviceID combination, for events that arrive at the TempStream stream for a sliding time window of 10 minutes.

from TempStream#window.time(10 min)
select avg(temp) as avgTemp, roomNo, deviceID
group by roomNo, deviceID
insert into AvgTempStream;


Having allows you to filter events after processing the select statement.

Purpose This allows you to filter the aggregation output.

Syntax The syntax for the Having clause is as follows:

from <input stream>#window.<window name>( ... )
select <aggregate function>( <parameter>, <parameter>, ...) as <attribute1 name>, <attribute2 name>, ...
group by <attribute1 name>, <attribute2 name> ...
having <condition>
insert into <output stream>;


The following query calculates the average temperature per room for the last 10 minutes, and alerts if it exceeds 30 degrees.

from TempStream#window.time(10 min)
select avg(temp) as avgTemp, roomNo
group by roomNo
having avgTemp > 30
insert into AlertStream;

Order By

Order By allows you to order the aggregated result in ascending and/or descending order based on specified attributes. By default ordering will be done in ascending manner. User can use 'desc' keyword to order in descending manner.

Syntax The syntax for the Order By clause is as follows:

from <input stream>#window.<window name>( ... )
select <aggregate function>( <parameter>, <parameter>, ...) as <attribute1 name>, <attribute2 name>, ...
group by <attribute1 name>, <attribute2 name> ...
having <condition>
order by <attribute1 name> (asc | desc)?, <attribute2 name> (<ascend/descend>)?, ...
insert into <output stream>;


The following query calculates the average temperature per roomNo and deviceID combination for every 10 minutes, and generate output events by ordering them in the ascending order of the room's avgTemp and then by the descending order of roomNo.

from TempStream#window.timeBatch(10 min)
select avg(temp) as avgTemp, roomNo, deviceID
group by roomNo, deviceID
order by avgTemp, roomNo desc
insert into AvgTempStream;

Limit & Offset

When events are emitted as a batch, offset allows you to offset beginning of the output event batch and limit allows you to limit the number of events in the batch from the defined offset. With this users can specify which set of events need be emitted.

Syntax The syntax for the Limit & Offset clause is as follows:

from <input stream>#window.<window name>( ... )
select <aggregate function>( <parameter>, <parameter>, ...) as <attribute1 name>, <attribute2 name>, ...
group by <attribute1 name>, <attribute2 name> ...
having <condition>
order by <attribute1 name> (asc | desc)?, <attribute2 name> (<ascend/descend>)?, ...
limit <positive interger>?
offset <positive interger>?
insert into <output stream>;

Here both limit and offset are optional where limit by default output all the events and offset by default set to 0.

Example The following query calculates the average temperature per roomNo and deviceID combination, for events that arrive at the TempStream stream for every 10 minutes and emits two events with highest average temperature.

from TempStream#window.timeBatch(10 min)
select avg(temp) as avgTemp, roomNo, deviceID
group by roomNo, deviceID
order by avgTemp desc
limit 2
insert into HighestAvgTempStream;

The following query calculates the average temperature per roomNo and deviceID combination, for events that arrive at the TempStream stream for every 10 minutes and emits third, forth and fifth events when sorted in descending order based on their average temperature.

from TempStream#window.timeBatch(10 min)
select avg(temp) as avgTemp, roomNo, deviceID
group by roomNo, deviceID
order by avgTemp desc
limit 3
offset 2
insert into HighestAvgTempStream;

Join (Stream)

Joins allow you to get a combined result from two streams in real-time based on a specified condition.

Purpose Streams are stateless. Therefore, in order to join two streams, they need to be connected to a window so that there is a pool of events that can be used for joining. Joins also accept conditions to join the appropriate events from each stream.

During the joining process each incoming event of each stream is matched against all the events in the other stream's window based on the given condition, and the output events are generated for all the matching event pairs.


Join can also be performed with stored data, aggregation or externally defined windows.


The syntax for a join is as follows:

from <input stream>#window.<window name>(<parameter>, ... ) {unidirectional} {as <reference>}
         join <input stream>#window.<window name>(<parameter>,  ... ) {unidirectional} {as <reference>}
    on <join condition>
select <attribute name>, <attribute name>, ...
insert into <output stream>
Here, the <join condition> allows you to match the attributes from both the streams.

Unidirectional join operation

By default, events arriving at either stream can trigger the joining process. However, if you want to control the join execution, you can add the unidirectional keyword next to a stream in the join definition as depicted in the syntax in order to enable that stream to trigger the join operation. Here, events arriving at other stream only update the window of that stream, and this stream does not trigger the join operation.


The unidirectional keyword cannot be applied to both the input streams because the default behaviour already allows both streams to trigger the join operation.


Assuming that the temperature of regulators are updated every minute. Following is a Siddhi App that controls the temperature regulators if they are not already on for all the rooms with a room temperature greater than 30 degrees.

define stream TempStream(deviceID long, roomNo int, temp double);
define stream RegulatorStream(deviceID long, roomNo int, isOn bool);

from TempStream[temp > 30.0]#window.time(1 min) as T
  join RegulatorStream[isOn == false]#window.length(1) as R
  on T.roomNo == R.roomNo
select T.roomNo, R.deviceID, 'start' as action
insert into RegulatorActionStream;

Supported join types

Following are the supported operations of a join clause.

  • Inner join (join)

    This is the default behaviour of a join operation. join is used as the keyword to join both the streams. The output is generated only if there is a matching event in both the streams.

  • Left outer join

    The left outer join operation allows you to join two streams to be merged based on a condition. left outer join is used as the keyword to join both the streams.

    Here, it returns all the events of left stream even if there are no matching events in the right stream by having null values for the attributes of the right stream.


    The following query generates output events for all events from the StockStream stream regardless of whether a matching symbol exists in the TwitterStream stream or not.

    from StockStream#window.time(1 min) as S
      left outer join TwitterStream#window.length(1) as T
      on S.symbol== T.symbol
    select S.symbol as symbol, T.tweet, S.price
    insert into outputStream ;    

  • Right outer join

    This is similar to a left outer join. Right outer join is used as the keyword to join both the streams. It returns all the events of the right stream even if there are no matching events in the left stream.

  • Full outer join

    The full outer join combines the results of left outer join and right outer join. full outer join is used as the keyword to join both the streams. Here, output event are generated for each incoming event even if there are no matching events in the other stream.


    The following query generates output events for all the incoming events of each stream regardless of whether there is a match for the symbol attribute in the other stream or not.

    from StockStream#window.time(1 min) as S
      full outer join TwitterStream#window.length(1) as T
      on S.symbol== T.symbol
    select S.symbol as symbol, T.tweet, S.price
    insert into outputStream ;    


This is a state machine implementation that allows you to detect patterns in the events that arrive over time. This can correlate events within a single stream or between multiple streams.


Patterns allow you to identify trends in events over a time period.


The following is the syntax for a pattern query:

from (every)? <event reference>=<input stream>[<filter condition>] -> 
    (every)? <event reference>=<input stream [<filter condition>] -> 
    (within <time gap>)?     
select <event reference>.<attribute name>, <event reference>.<attribute name>, ...
insert into <output stream>
| Items| Description | |-------------------|-------------| | -> | This is used to indicate an event that should be following another event. The subsequent event does not necessarily have to occur immediately after the preceding event. The condition to be met by the preceding event should be added before the sign, and the condition to be met by the subsequent event should be added after the sign. | | <event reference> | This allows you to add a reference to the the matching event so that it can be accessed later for further processing. | | (within <time gap>)? | The within clause is optional. It defines the time duration within which all the matching events should occur. | | every | every is an optional keyword. This defines whether the event matching should be triggered for every event arrival in the specified stream with the matching condition.
When this keyword is not used, the matching is carried out only once. |

Siddhi also supports pattern matching with counting events and matching events in a logical order such as (and, or, and not). These are described in detail further below in this guide.


This query sends an alert if the temperature of a room increases by 5 degrees within 10 min.

from every( e1=TempStream ) -> e2=TempStream[ e1.roomNo == roomNo and (e1.temp + 5) <= temp ]
    within 10 min
select e1.roomNo, e1.temp as initialTemp, e2.temp as finalTemp
insert into AlertStream;

Here, the matching process begins for each event in the TempStream stream (because every is used with e1=TempStream), and if another event arrives within 10 minutes with a value for the temp attribute that is greater than or equal to e1.temp + 5 of the event e1, an output is generated via the AlertStream.

Counting Pattern

Counting patterns allow you to match multiple events that may have been received for the same matching condition. The number of events matched per condition can be limited via condition postfixes.


Each matching condition can contain a collection of events with the minimum and maximum number of events to be matched as shown in the syntax below.

from (every)? <event reference>=<input stream>[<filter condition>] (<<min count>:<max count>>)? ->  
    (within <time gap>)?     
select <event reference>([event index])?.<attribute name>, ...
insert into <output stream>
Postfix Description Example
<n1:n2> This matches n1 to n2 events (including n1 and not more than n2). 1:4 matches 1 to 4 events.
<n:> This matches n or more events (including n). <2:> matches 2 or more events.
<:n> This matches up to n events (excluding n). <:5> matches up to 5 events.
<n> This matches exactly n events. <5> matches exactly 5 events.

Specific occurrences of the event in a collection can be retrieved by using an event index with its reference. Square brackets can be used to indicate the event index where 1 can be used as the index of the first event and last can be used as the index for the last available event in the event collection. If you provide an index greater then the last event index, the system returns null. The following are some valid examples.

  • e1[3] refers to the 3rd event.
  • e1[last] refers to the last event.
  • e1[last - 1] refers to the event before the last event.


The following Siddhi App calculates the temperature difference between two regulator events.

define stream TempStream (deviceID long, roomNo int, temp double);
define stream RegulatorStream (deviceID long, roomNo int, tempSet double, isOn bool);

from every( e1=RegulatorStream) -> e2=TempStream[e1.roomNo==roomNo]<1:> -> e3=RegulatorStream[e1.roomNo==roomNo]
select e1.roomNo, e2[0].temp - e2[last].temp as tempDiff
insert into TempDiffStream;

Logical Patterns

Logical patterns match events that arrive in temporal order and correlate them with logical relationships such as and, or and not.


from (every)? (not)? <event reference>=<input stream>[<filter condition>] 
          ((and|or) <event reference>=<input stream>[<filter condition>])? (within <time gap>)? ->  
select <event reference>([event index])?.<attribute name>, ...
insert into <output stream>

Keywords such as and, or, or not can be used to illustrate the logical relationship.

Key Word Description
and This allows both conditions of and to be matched by two events in any order.
or The state succeeds if either condition of or is satisfied. Here the event reference of the other condition is null.
not <condition1> and <condition2> When not is included with and, it identifies the events that match arriving before any event that match .
not <condition> for <time period> When not is included with for, it allows you to identify a situation where no event that matches <condition1> arrives during the specified <time period>. e.g.,from not TemperatureStream[temp > 60] for 5 sec.

Here the not pattern can be followed by either an and clause or the effective period of not can be concluded after a given <time period>. Further in Siddhi more than two streams cannot be matched with logical conditions using and, or, or not clauses at this point.

Detecting Non-occurring Events

Siddhi allows you to detect non-occurring events via multiple combinations of the key words specified above as shown in the table below.

In the patterns listed, P* can be either a regular event pattern, an absent event pattern or a logical pattern.

Pattern Detected Scenario
not A for <time period> The non-occurrence of event A within <time period> after system start up.
e.g., Generating an alert if a taxi has not reached its destination within 30 minutes, to indicate that the passenger might be in danger.
not A for <time period> and B After system start up, event A does not occur within time period, but event B occurs at some point in time.
e.g., Generating an alert if a taxi has not reached its destination within 30 minutes, and the passenger marked that he/she is in danger at some point in time.
not A for <time period 1> and not B for <time period 2> After system start up, event A doess not occur within time period 1, and event B also does not occur within <time period 2>.
e.g., Generating an alert if the driver of a taxi has not reached the destination within 30 minutes, and the passenger has not marked himself/herself to be in danger within that same time period.
not A for <time period> or B After system start up, either event A does not occur within <time period>, or event B occurs at some point in time.
e.g., Generating an alert if the taxi has not reached its destination within 30 minutes, or if the passenger has marked that he/she is in danger at some point in time.
not A for <time period 1> or not B for <time period 2> After system start up, either event A does not occur within <time period 1>, or event B occurs within <time period 2>.
e.g., Generating an alert to indicate that the driver is not on an expected route if the taxi has not reached destination A within 20 minutes, or reached destination B within 30 minutes.
A → not B for <time period> Event B does not occur within <time period> after the occurrence of event A. e.g., Generating an alert if the taxi has reached its destination, but this was not followed by a payment record.
P* → not A for <time period> and B After the occurrence of P*, event A does not occur within <time period>, and event B occurs at some point in time.
P* → not A for <time period 1> and not B for <time period 2> After the occurrence of P*, event A does not occur within <time period 1>, and event B does not occur within <time period 2>.
P* → not A for <time period> or B After the occurrence of P*, either event A does not occur within <time period>, or event B occurs at some point in time.
P* → not A for <time period 1> or not B for <time period 2> After the occurrence of P*, either event A does not occur within <time period 1>, or event B does not occur within <time period 2>.
not A for <time period> → B Event A does occur within <time period> after the system start up, but event B occurs after that <time period> has elapsed.
not A for <time period> and B → P* Event A does not occur within <time period>, and event B occurs at some point in time. Then P* occurs after the <time period> has elapsed, and after B has occurred.
not A for <time period 1> and not B for <time period 2> → P* After system start up, event A does not occur within <time period 1>, and event B does not occur within <time period 2>. However, P* occurs after both A and B.
not A for <time period> or B → P* After system start up, event A does not occur within <time period> or event B occurs at some point in time. The P* occurs after <time period> has elapsed, or after B has occurred.
not A for <time period 1> or not B for <time period 2> → P* After system start up, either event A does not occur within <time period 1>, or event B does not occur within <time period 2>. Then P* occurs after both <time period 1> and <time period 2> have elapsed.
not A and B Event A does not occur before event B.
A and not B Event B does not occur before event A.


Following Siddhi App, sends the stop control action to the regulator when the key is removed from the hotel room.

define stream RegulatorStateChangeStream(deviceID long, roomNo int, tempSet double, action string);
define stream RoomKeyStream(deviceID long, roomNo int, action string);

from every( e1=RegulatorStateChangeStream[ action == 'on' ] ) -> 
      e2=RoomKeyStream[ e1.roomNo == roomNo and action == 'removed' ] or e3=RegulatorStateChangeStream[ e1.roomNo == roomNo and action == 'off']
select e1.roomNo, ifThenElse( e2 is null, 'none', 'stop' ) as action
having action != 'none'
insert into RegulatorActionStream;

This Siddhi Application generates an alert if we have switch off the regulator before the temperature reaches 12 degrees.

define stream RegulatorStateChangeStream(deviceID long, roomNo int, tempSet double, action string);
define stream TempStream (deviceID long, roomNo int, temp double);

from e1=RegulatorStateChangeStream[action == 'start'] -> not TempStream[e1.roomNo == roomNo and temp < 12] and e2=RegulatorStateChangeStream[action == 'off']
select e1.roomNo as roomNo
insert into AlertStream;

This Siddhi Application generates an alert if the temperature does not reduce to 12 degrees within 5 minutes of switching on the regulator.

define stream RegulatorStateChangeStream(deviceID long, roomNo int, tempSet double, action string);
define stream TempStream (deviceID long, roomNo int, temp double);

from e1=RegulatorStateChangeStream[action == 'start'] -> not TempStream[e1.roomNo == roomNo and temp < 12] for '5 min'
select e1.roomNo as roomNo
insert into AlertStream;


Sequence is a state machine implementation that allows you to detect the sequence of event occurrences over time. Here all matching events need to arrive consecutively to match the sequence condition, and there cannot be any non-matching events arriving within a matching sequence of events. This can correlate events within a single stream or between multiple streams.


This allows you to detect a specified event sequence over a specified time period.


The syntax for a sequence query is as follows:

from (every)? <event reference>=<input stream>[<filter condition>], 
    <event reference>=<input stream [<filter condition>], 
    (within <time gap>)?     
select <event reference>.<attribute name>, <event reference>.<attribute name>, ...
insert into <output stream>
Items Description
, This represents the immediate next event i.e., when an event that matches the first condition arrives, the event that arrives immediately after it should match the second condition.
<event reference> This allows you to add a reference to the the matching event so that it can be accessed later for further processing.
(within <time gap>)? The within clause is optional. It defines the time duration within which all the matching events should occur.
every every is an optional keyword. This defines whether the matching event should be triggered for every event that arrives at the specified stream with the matching condition.
When this keyword is not used, the matching is carried out only once.


This query generates an alert if the increase in the temperature between two consecutive temperature events exceeds one degree.

from every e1=TempStream, e2=TempStream[e1.temp + 1 < temp]
select e1.temp as initialTemp, e2.temp as finalTemp
insert into AlertStream;

Counting Sequence

Counting sequences allow you to match multiple events for the same matching condition. The number of events matched per condition can be limited via condition postfixes such as Counting Patterns, or by using the *, +, and ? operators.

The matching events can also be retrieved using event indexes, similar to how it is done in Counting Patterns.


Each matching condition in a sequence can contain a collection of events as shown below.

from (every)? <event reference>=<input stream>[<filter condition>](+|*|?)?, 
    <event reference>=<input stream [<filter condition>](+|*|?)?, 
    (within <time gap>)?     
select <event reference>.<attribute name>, <event reference>.<attribute name>, ...
insert into <output stream>
Postfix symbol Required/Optional Description
+ Optional This matches one or more events to the given condition.
* Optional This matches zero or more events to the given condition.
? Optional This matches zero or one events to the given condition.


This Siddhi application identifies temperature peeks.

define stream TempStream(deviceID long, roomNo int, temp double);

from every e1=TempStream, e2=TempStream[e1.temp <= temp]+, e3=TempStream[e2[last].temp > temp]
select e1.temp as initialTemp, e2[last].temp as peakTemp
insert into PeekTempStream;

Logical Sequence

Logical sequences identify logical relationships using and, or and not on consecutively arriving events.

Syntax The syntax for a logical sequence is as follows:

from (every)? (not)? <event reference>=<input stream>[<filter condition>] 
          ((and|or) <event reference>=<input stream>[<filter condition>])? (within <time gap>)?, 
select <event reference>([event index])?.<attribute name>, ...
insert into <output stream>

Keywords such as and, or, or not can be used to illustrate the logical relationship, similar to how it is done in Logical Patterns.


This Siddhi application notifies the state when a regulator event is immediately followed by both temperature and humidity events.

define stream TempStream(deviceID long, temp double);
define stream HumidStream(deviceID long, humid double);
define stream RegulatorStream(deviceID long, isOn bool);

from every e1=RegulatorStream, e2=TempStream and e3=HumidStream
select e2.temp, e3.humid
insert into StateNotificationStream;

Output rate limiting

Output rate limiting allows queries to output events periodically based on a specified condition.


This allows you to limit the output to avoid overloading the subsequent executions, and to remove unnecessary information.


The syntax of an output rate limiting configuration is as follows:

from <input stream> ...
select <attribute name>, <attribute name>, ...
output <rate limiting configuration>
insert into <output stream>
Siddhi supports three types of output rate limiting configurations as explained in the following table:

Rate limiting configuration Syntax Description
Based on time <output event> every <time interval> This outputs <output event> every <time interval> time interval.
Based on number of events <output event> every <event interval> events This outputs <output event> for every <event interval> number of events.
Snapshot based output snapshot every <time interval> This outputs all events in the window (or the last event if no window is defined in the query) for every given <time interval> time interval.

Here the <output event> specifies the event(s) that should be returned as the output of the query. The possible values are as follows: * first : Only the first event processed by the query during the specified time interval/sliding window is emitted. * last : Only the last event processed by the query during the specified time interval/sliding window is emitted. * all : All the events processed by the query during the specified time interval/sliding window are emitted. When no <output event> is defined, all is used by default.


  • Returning events based on the number of events

    Here, events are emitted every time the specified number of events arrive. You can also specify whether to emit only the first event/last event, or all the events out of the events that arrived.

    In this example, the last temperature per sensor is emitted for every 10 events.

    from TempStreamselect 
    select temp, deviceID
    group by deviceID
    output last every 10 events
    insert into LowRateTempStream;    

  • Returning events based on time

    Here events are emitted for every predefined time interval. You can also specify whether to emit only the first event, last event, or all events out of the events that arrived during the specified time interval.

    In this example, emits all temperature events every 10 seconds

    from TempStreamoutput 
    output every 10 sec
    insert into LowRateTempStream;    

  • Returning a periodic snapshot of events

    This method works best with windows. When an input stream is connected to a window, snapshot rate limiting emits all the current events that have arrived and do not have corresponding expired events for every predefined time interval. If the input stream is not connected to a window, only the last current event for each predefined time interval is emitted.

    This query emits a snapshot of the events in a time window of 5 seconds every 1 second.

    from TempStream#window.time(5 sec)
    output snapshot every 1 sec
    insert into SnapshotTempStream;    


Partitions divide streams and queries into isolated groups in order to process them in parallel and in isolation. A partition can contain one or more queries and there can be multiple instances where the same queries and streams are replicated for each partition. Each partition is tagged with a partition key. Those partitions only process the events that match the corresponding partition key.


Partitions allow you to process the events groups in isolation so that event processing can be performed using the same set of queries for each group.

Partition key generation

A partition key can be generated in the following two methods:

  • Partition by value

    This is created by generating unique values using input stream attributes.


    partition with ( <expression> of <stream name>, <expression> of <stream name>, ... )


    This query calculates the maximum temperature recorded within the last 10 events per deviceID.

    partition with ( deviceID of TempStream )
        from TempStream#window.length(10)
        select roomNo, deviceID, max(temp) as maxTemp
        insert into DeviceTempStream;

  • Partition by range

    This is created by mapping each partition key to a range condition of the input streams numerical attribute.


    partition with ( <condition> as <partition key> or <condition> as <partition key> or ... of <stream name>, ... )


    This query calculates the average temperature for the last 10 minutes per office area.

    partition with ( roomNo >= 1030 as 'serverRoom' or 
                     roomNo < 1030 and roomNo >= 330 as 'officeRoom' or 
                     roomNo < 330 as 'lobby' of TempStream)
        from TempStream#window.time(10 min)
        select roomNo, deviceID, avg(temp) as avgTemp
        insert into AreaTempStream

Inner Stream

Queries inside a partition block can use inner streams to communicate with each other while preserving partition isolation. Inner streams are denoted by a "#" placed before the stream name, and these streams cannot be accessed outside a partition block.


Inner streams allow you to connect queries within the partition block so that the output of a query can be used as an input only by another query within the same partition. Therefore, you do not need to repartition the streams if they are communicating within the partition.


This partition calculates the average temperature of every 10 events for each sensor, and sends an output to the DeviceTempIncreasingStream stream if the consecutive average temperature values increase by more than 5 degrees.

partition with ( deviceID of TempStream )
    from TempStream#window.lengthBatch(10)
    select roomNo, deviceID, avg(temp) as avgTemp
    insert into #AvgTempStream

    from every (e1=#AvgTempStream),e2=#AvgTempStream[e1.avgTemp + 5 < avgTemp]
    select e1.deviceID, e1.avgTemp as initialAvgTemp, e2.avgTemp as finalAvgTemp
    insert into DeviceTempIncreasingStream


A table is a stored version of an stream or a table of events. Its schema is defined via the table definition that is similar to a stream definition. These events are by default stored in-memory, but Siddhi also provides store extensions to work with data/events stored in various data stores through the table abstraction.


Tables allow Siddhi to work with stored events. By defining a schema for tables Siddhi enables them to be processed by queries using their defined attributes with the streaming data. You can also interactively query the state of the stored events in the table.


The syntax for a new table definition is as follows:

define table <table name> (<attribute name> <attribute type>, <attribute name> <attribute type>, ... );
The following parameters are configured in a table definition:

Parameter Description
table name The name of the table defined. (PascalCase is used for table name as a convention.)
attribute name The schema of the table is defined by its attributes with uniquely identifiable attribute names (camelCase is used for attribute names as a convention.)
attribute type The type of each attribute defined in the schema.


The following defines a table named RoomTypeTable with roomNo and type attributes of data types int and string respectively.

define table RoomTypeTable ( roomNo int, type string );

Primary Keys

Tables can be configured with primary keys to avoid the duplication of data.

Primary keys are configured by including the @PrimaryKey( 'key1', 'key2' ) annotation to the table definition. Each event table configuration can have only one @PrimaryKey annotation. The number of attributes supported differ based on the table implementations. When more than one attribute is used for the primary key, the uniqueness of the events stored in the table is determined based on the combination of values for those attributes.


This query creates an event table with the symbol attribute as the primary key. Therefore each entry in this table must have a unique value for symbol attribute.

define table StockTable (symbol string, price float, volume long);


Indexes allow tables to be searched/modified much faster.

Indexes are configured by including the @Index( 'key1', 'key2' ) annotation to the table definition. Each event table configuration can have 0-1 @Index annotations. Support for the @Index annotation and the number of attributes supported differ based on the table implementations. When more then one attribute is used for index, each one of them is used to index the table for fast access of the data. Indexes can be configured together with primary keys.


This query creates an indexed event table named RoomTypeTable with the roomNo attribute as the index key.

define table RoomTypeTable (roomNo int, type string);


Store is a table that refers to data/events stored in data stores outside of Siddhi such as RDBMS, Cassandra, etc. Store is defined via the @store annotation, and the store schema is defined via a table definition associated with it.


Store allows Siddhi to search, retrieve and manipulate data stored in external data stores through Siddhi queries.


The syntax for a defining store and it's associated table definition is as follows:

@store(type='store_type', static.option.key1='static_option_value1', static.option.keyN='static_option_valueN')
define table TableName (attribute1 Type1, attributeN TypeN);


The following defines a RDBMS data store pointing to a MySQL database with name hotel hosted in loacalhost:3306 having a table RoomTypeTable with columns roomNo of INTEGER and type of VARCHAR(255) mapped to Siddhi data types int and string respectively.

@Store(type="rdbms", jdbc.url="jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/hotel", username="siddhi", password="123","com.mysql.jdbc.Driver")
define table RoomTypeTable ( roomNo int, type string );

Supported Store Types

The following is a list of currently supported store types:

Operators on Table (and Store)

The following operators can be performed on tables (and stores).


This allows events to be inserted into tables. This is similar to inserting events into streams.


If the table is defined with primary keys, and if you insert duplicate data, primary key constrain violations can occur. In such cases use the update or insert into operation.


from <input stream> 
select <attribute name>, <attribute name>, ...
insert into <table>

Similar to streams, you need to use the current events, expired events or the all events keyword between insert and into keywords in order to insert only the specific output event types. For more information, see output event type


This query inserts all the events from the TempStream stream to the TempTable table.

from TempStream
select *
insert into TempTable;

Join (Table)

This allows a stream to retrieve information from a table in a streaming manner.


Joins can also be performed with two streams, aggregation or against externally defined windows.


from <input stream> join <table>
    on <condition>
select (<input stream>|<table>).<attribute name>, (<input stream>|<table>).<attribute name>, ...
insert into <output stream>


A table can only be joint with a stream. Two tables cannot be joint because there must be at least one active entity to trigger the join operation.


This Siddhi App performs a join to retrieve the room type from RoomTypeTable table based on the room number, so that it can filter the events related to server-rooms.

define table RoomTypeTable (roomNo int, type string);
define stream TempStream (deviceID long, roomNo int, temp double);

from TempStream join RoomTypeTable
    on RoomTypeTable.roomNo == TempStream.roomNo
select deviceID, RoomTypeTable.type as roomType, type, temp
    having roomType == 'server-room'
insert into ServerRoomTempStream;

Supported join types

Table join supports following join operations.

  • Inner join (join)

    This is the default behaviour of a join operation. join is used as the keyword to join the stream with the table. The output is generated only if there is a matching event in both the stream and the table.

  • Left outer join

    The left outer join operation allows you to join a stream on left side with a table on the right side based on a condition. Here, it returns all the events of left stream even if there are no matching events in the right table by having null values for the attributes of the right table.

  • Right outer join

    This is similar to a left outer join. right outer join is used as the keyword to join a stream on right side with a table on the left side based on a condition. It returns all the events of the right stream even if there are no matching events in the left table.


To delete selected events that are stored in a table.


from <input stream> 
select <attribute name>, <attribute name>, ...
delete <table> (for <output event type>)?
    on <condition>

The condition element specifies the basis on which events are selected to be deleted. When specifying the condition, table attributes should be referred to with the table name.

To execute delete for specific output event types, use the current events, expired events or the all events keyword with for as shown in the syntax. For more information, see output event type


Table attributes must be always referred to with the table name as follows: <table name>.<attibute name>


In this example, the script deletes a record in the RoomTypeTable table if it has a value for the roomNo attribute that matches the value for the roomNumber attribute of an event in the DeleteStream stream.

define table RoomTypeTable (roomNo int, type string);

define stream DeleteStream (roomNumber int);

from DeleteStream
delete RoomTypeTable
    on RoomTypeTable.roomNo == roomNumber;


This operator updates selected event attributes stored in a table based on a condition.


from <input stream> 
select <attribute name>, <attribute name>, ...
update <table> (for <output event type>)? 
    set <table>.<attribute name> = (<attribute name>|<expression>)?, <table>.<attribute name> = (<attribute name>|<expression>)?, ...
    on <condition>

The condition element specifies the basis on which events are selected to be updated. When specifying the condition, table attributes must be referred to with the table name.

You can use the set keyword to update selected attributes from the table. Here, for each assignment, the attribute specified in the left must be the table attribute, and the one specified in the right can be a stream/table attribute a mathematical operation, or other. When the set clause is not provided, all the attributes in the table are updated.

To execute an update for specific output event types use the current events, expired events or the all events keyword with for as shown in the syntax. For more information, see output event type.


Table attributes must be always referred to with the table name as shown below: <table name>.<attibute name>.


This Siddhi application updates the room occupancy in the RoomOccupancyTable table for each room number based on new arrivals and exits from the UpdateStream stream.

define table RoomOccupancyTable (roomNo int, people int);
define stream UpdateStream (roomNumber int, arrival int, exit int);

from UpdateStream
select *
update RoomOccupancyTable
    set RoomOccupancyTable.people = RoomOccupancyTable.people + arrival - exit
    on RoomOccupancyTable.roomNo == roomNumber;

Update or Insert

This allows you update if the event attributes already exist in the table based on a condition, or else insert the entry as a new attribute.


from <input stream> 
select <attribute name>, <attribute name>, ...
update or insert into <table> (for <output event type>)? 
    set <table>.<attribute name> = <expression>, <table>.<attribute name> = <expression>, ...
    on <condition>
The condition element specifies the basis on which events are selected for update. When specifying the condition, table attributes should be referred to with the table name. If a record that matches the condition does not already exist in the table, the arriving event is inserted into the table.

The set clause is only used when an update is performed during the insert/update operation. When set clause is used, the attribute to the left is always a table attribute, and the attribute to the right can be a stream/table attribute, mathematical operation or other. The attribute to the left (i.e., the attribute in the event table) is updated with the value of the attribute to the right if the given condition is met. When the set clause is not provided, all the attributes in the table are updated.


When the attribute to the right is a table attribute, the operations supported differ based on the database type.

To execute update upon specific output event types use the current events, expired events or the all events keyword with for as shown in the syntax. To understand more see output event type.


Table attributes should be always referred to with the table name as <table name>.<attibute name>.


The following query update for events in the UpdateTable event table that have room numbers that match the same in the UpdateStream stream. When such events are found in the event table, they are updated. When a room number available in the stream is not found in the event table, it is inserted from the stream.

define table RoomAssigneeTable (roomNo int, type string, assignee string);
define stream RoomAssigneeStream (roomNumber int, type string, assignee string);

from RoomAssigneeStream
select roomNumber as roomNo, type, assignee
update or insert into RoomAssigneeTable
    set RoomAssigneeTable.assignee = assignee
    on RoomAssigneeTable.roomNo == roomNo;


This allows the stream to check whether the expected value exists in the table as a part of a conditional operation.


from <input stream>[<condition> in <table>]
select <attribute name>, <attribute name>, ...
insert into <output stream>

The condition element specifies the basis on which events are selected to be compared. When constructing the condition, the table attribute must be always referred to with the table name as shown below: <table>.<attibute name>.


This Siddhi application filters only room numbers that are listed in the ServerRoomTable table.

define table ServerRoomTable (roomNo int);
define stream TempStream (deviceID long, roomNo int, temp double);

from TempStream[ServerRoomTable.roomNo == roomNo in ServerRoomTable]
insert into ServerRoomTempStream;

Incremental Aggregation

Incremental aggregation allows you to obtain aggregates in an incremental manner for a specified set of time periods.

This not only allows you to calculate aggregations with varied time granularity, but also allows you to access them in an interactive manner for reports, dashboards, and for further processing. Its schema is defined via the aggregation definition.

Incremental aggregation granularity data holders are automatically purged every 15 minutes. When carrying out data purging, the retention period you have specified for each granularity in the incremental aggregation query is taken into account. The retention period defined for a granularity needs to be greater than or equal to its minimum retention period as specified in the table below. If no valid retention period is defined for a granularity, the default retention period (as specified in the table below) is applied.

Granularity Default retention Minimum retention
second 120 seconds 120 seconds
minute 24 hours 120 minutes
hour 30 days 25 hours
day 1 year 32 days
month All 13 month
year All none


Incremental aggregation allows you to retrieve the aggregate values for different time durations. That is, it allows you to obtain aggregates such as sum, count, avg, min, max, count and distinctCount of stream attributes for durations such as sec, min, hour, etc.

This is of considerable importance in many Analytics scenarios because aggregate values are often needed for several time periods. Furthermore, this ensures that the aggregations are not lost due to unexpected system failures because aggregates can be stored in different persistence stores.


@store(type="<store type>", ...)
@purge(enable="<true or false>",interval=<purging interval>,@retentionPeriod(<granularity> = <retention period>, ...) )
define aggregation <aggregator name>
from <input stream>
select <attribute name>, <aggregate function>(<attribute name>) as <attribute name>, ...
    group by <attribute name>
    aggregate by <timestamp attribute> every <time periods> ;
The above syntax includes the following:

Item Description
@BufferSize DEPRECIATED FROM V4.2.0. This identifies the number of expired events to retain in a buffer in order
to handle out of order event processing. This is an optional
parameter that is applicable only if aggregation is based on external
timestamps (because events aggregated based on event arrival
time cannot be out of order). Siddhi determines whether an event is expired or not
based on the timestamp of the latest event and the most granular duration for
which aggregation is calculated.
e.g., If the aggregation is calculated for sec…year, the most granular duration is seconds. Therefore, if the buffer size is 3 and events arrive during 51st, 52nd, 53rd and 54th seconds, all of the older aggregations (i.e., for 51st, 52nd and 53rd seconds) are kept in the buffer because the latest event arrived during the 54th second.
The default value is 0.
@IgnoreEventsOlderThanBuffer DEPRECIATED FROM V4.2.0.This annotation specifies whether or not to aggregate events older than the
buffer. If this parameter is set to false (which is default), any event
older than the buffer is aggregated with the oldest event in buffer. If
this parameter is set to true, any event older than the buffer is dropped. This is an optional annotation.
@store This annotation is used to refer to the data store where the calculated
aggregate results are stored. This annotation is optional. When
no annotation is provided, the data is stored in the in-memory store.
@purge This annotation is used to configure purging in aggregation granularities.
If this annotation is not provided, the default purging mentioned above is applied.
If you want to disable automatic data purging, you can use this annotation as follows:
/You should disable data purging if the aggregation query in included in the Siddhi application for read-only purposes.
@retentionPeriod This annotation is used to specify the length of time the data needs to be retained when carrying out data purging.
If this annotation is not provided, the default retention period is applied.
<aggregator name> This specifies a unique name for the aggregation so that it can be referred
when accessing aggregate results.
<input stream> The stream that feeds the aggregation. Note! this stream should be
already defined.
group by <attribute name> The group by clause is optional. If it is included in a Siddhi application, aggregate values
are calculated per each group by attribute. If it is not used, all the
events are aggregated together.
by <timestamp attribute> This clause is optional. This defines the attribute that should be used as
the timestamp. If this clause is not used, the event time is used by default.
The timestamp could be given as either a string or a long value. If it is a long value,
the unix timestamp in milliseconds is expected (e.g. 1496289950000). If it is
a string value, the supported formats are <yyyy>-<MM>-<dd> <HH>:<mm>:<ss>
(if time is in GMT) and <yyyy>-<MM>-<dd> <HH>:<mm>:<ss> <Z> (if time is
not in GMT), here the ISO 8601 UTC offset must be provided for <Z> .
(e.g., +05:30, -11:00).
<time periods> Time periods can be specified as a range where the minimum and the maximum value are separated by three dots, or as comma-separated values.

e.g., A range can be specified as sec...year where aggregation is done per second, minute, hour, day, month and year. Comma-separated values can be specified as min, hour.

Skipping time durations (e.g., min, day where the hour duration is skipped) when specifying comma-separated values is supported only from v4.1.1 onwards


From V4.2.0 onwards, aggregation is carried out at calendar start times for each granularity with the GMT timezone


From V4.2.6 onwards, the same aggregation can be defined in multiple Siddhi apps for joining, however, only one siddhi app should carry out the processing (i.e. the aggregation input stream should only feed events to one aggregation definition).


This Siddhi Application defines an aggregation named TradeAggregation to calculate the average and sum for the price attribute of events arriving at the TradeStream stream. These aggregates are calculated per every time granularity in the second-year range.

define stream TradeStream (symbol string, price double, volume long, timestamp long);

@purge(enable='true', interval='10 sec',@retentionPeriod(sec='120 sec',min='24 hours',hours='30 days',days='1 year',months='all',years='all'))
define aggregation TradeAggregation
  from TradeStream
  select symbol, avg(price) as avgPrice, sum(price) as total
    group by symbol
    aggregate by timestamp every sec ... year;

Distributed Aggregation


Distributed Aggregation is only supported after v4.3.0

Distributed Aggregation allows you to partially process aggregations in different shards. This allows Siddhi app in one shard to be responsible only for processing a part of the aggregation. However for this, all aggregations must be based on a common physical database(@store).


@store(type="<store type>", ...)
define aggregation <aggregator name>
from <input stream>
select <attribute name>, <aggregate function>(<attribute name>) as <attribute name>, ...
    group by <attribute name>
    aggregate by <timestamp attribute> every <time periods> ;

Following table includes the annotation to be used to enable distributed aggregation,

Item Description
@PartitionById If the annotation is given, then the distributed aggregation is enabled. Further this can be disabled by using enable element,

Further, following system properties are also available,

System Property Description Possible Values Optional Default Value
shardId The id of the shard one of the distributed aggregation is running in. This should be unique to a single shard Any string No
partitionById This allows user to enable/disable distributed aggregation for all aggregations running in one siddhi manager .(Available from v4.3.3) true/false Yesio false


ShardIds should not be changed after the first configuration in order to keep data consistency.

Join (Aggregation)

This allows a stream to retrieve calculated aggregate values from the aggregation.


A join can also be performed with two streams, with a table and a stream, or with a stream against externally defined windows.


A join with aggregation is similer to the join with table, but with additional within and per clauses.

from <input stream> join <aggrigation> 
  on <join condition> 
  within <time range> 
  per <time granularity>
select <attribute name>, <attribute name>, ...
insert into <output stream>;
Apart from constructs of table join this includes the following. Please note that the 'on' condition is optional :

Item Description
within <time range> This allows you to specify the time interval for which the aggregate values need to be retrieved. This can be specified by providing the start and end time separated by a comma as string or long values, or by using the wildcard string specifying the data range. For details refer examples.
per <time granularity> This specifies the time granularity by which the aggregate values must be grouped and returned. e.g., If you specify days, the retrieved aggregate values are grouped for each day within the selected time interval.
AGG_TIMESTAMP This specifies the start time of the aggregations and can be used in the select clause.

within and per clauses also accept attribute values from the stream.


The timestamp of the aggregations can be accessed through the AGG_TIMESTAMP attribute.


Following aggregation definition will be used for the examples.

define stream TradeStream (symbol string, price double, volume long, timestamp long);

define aggregation TradeAggregation
  from TradeStream
  select AGG_TIMESTAMP, symbol, avg(price) as avgPrice, sum(price) as total
    group by symbol
    aggregate by timestamp every sec ... year;

This query retrieves daily aggregations within the time range "2014-02-15 00:00:00 +05:30", "2014-03-16 00:00:00 +05:30" (Please note that +05:30 can be omitted if timezone is GMT)

define stream StockStream (symbol string, value int);

from StockStream as S join TradeAggregation as T
  on S.symbol == T.symbol 
  within "2014-02-15 00:00:00 +05:30", "2014-03-16 00:00:00 +05:30" 
  per "days" 
select S.symbol,, T.avgPrice 
insert into AggregateStockStream;

This query retrieves hourly aggregations within the day 2014-02-15.

define stream StockStream (symbol string, value int);

from StockStream as S join TradeAggregation as T
  on S.symbol == T.symbol 
  within "2014-02-15 **:**:** +05:30"
  per "hours" 
select S.symbol,, T.avgPrice 
insert into AggregateStockStream;

This query retrieves all aggregations per perValue stream attribute within the time period between timestamps 1496200000000 and 1596434876000.

define stream StockStream (symbol string, value int, perValue string);

from StockStream as S join TradeAggregation as T
  on S.symbol == T.symbol 
  within 1496200000000L, 1596434876000L
  per S.perValue
select S.symbol,, T.avgPrice 
insert into AggregateStockStream;

Supported join types

Aggregation join supports following join operations.

  • Inner join (join)

    This is the default behaviour of a join operation. join is used as the keyword to join the stream with the aggregation. The output is generated only if there is a matching event in the stream and the aggregation.

  • Left outer join

    The left outer join operation allows you to join a stream on left side with a aggregation on the right side based on a condition. Here, it returns all the events of left stream even if there are no matching events in the right aggregation by having null values for the attributes of the right aggregation.

  • Right outer join

    This is similar to a left outer join. right outer join is used as the keyword to join a stream on right side with a aggregation on the left side based on a condition. It returns all the events of the right stream even if there are no matching events in the left aggregation.

(Defined) Window

A defined window is a window that can be shared across multiple queries. Events can be inserted to a defined window from one or more queries and it can produce output events based on the defined window type.


The syntax for a defined window is as follows:

define window <window name> (<attribute name> <attribute type>, <attribute name> <attribute type>, ... ) <window type>(<parameter>, <parameter>, …) <output event type>;

The following parameters are configured in a table definition:

Parameter Description
window name The name of the window defined. (PascalCase is used for window names as a convention.)
attribute name The schema of the window is defined by its attributes with uniquely identifiable attribute names (camelCase is used for attribute names as a convention.)
attribute type The type of each attribute defined in the schema.
<window type>(<parameter>, ...) The window type associated with the window and its parameters.
output <output event type> This is optional. Keywords such as current events, expired events and all events (the default) can be used to specify when the window output should be exposed. For more information, see output event type.


  • Returning all output when events arrive and when events expire from the window.

    In this query, the output event type is not specified. Therefore, it returns both current and expired events as the output.

  define window SensorWindow (name string, value float, roomNo int, deviceID string) timeBatch(1 second);
+ Returning an output only when events expire from the window.

In this query, the output event type of the window is `expired events`. Therefore, it only returns the events that have expired from the window as the output.
  define window SensorWindow (name string, value float, roomNo int, deviceID string) timeBatch(1 second) output expired events;

Operators on Defined Windows

The following operators can be performed on defined windows.


This allows events to be inserted into windows. This is similar to inserting events into streams.


from <input stream> 
select <attribute name>, <attribute name>, ...
insert into <window>

To insert only events of a specific output event type, add the current events, expired events or the all events keyword between insert and into keywords (similar to how it is done for streams).

For more information, see output event type.


This query inserts all events from the TempStream stream to the OneMinTempWindow window.

define stream TempStream(tempId string, temp double);
define window OneMinTempWindow(tempId string, temp double) time(1 min);

from TempStream
select *
insert into OneMinTempWindow;

Join (Window)

To allow a stream to retrieve information from a window based on a condition.


A join can also be performed with two streams, aggregation or with tables tables.


from <input stream> join <window>
    on <condition>
select (<input stream>|<window>).<attribute name>, (<input stream>|<window>).<attribute name>, ...
insert into <output stream>


This Siddhi Application performs a join count the number of temperature events having more then 40 degrees within the last 2 minutes.

define window TwoMinTempWindow (roomNo int, temp double) time(2 min);
define stream CheckStream (requestId string);

from CheckStream as C join TwoMinTempWindow as T
    on T.temp > 40
select requestId, count(T.temp) as count
insert into HighTempCountStream;

Supported join types

Window join supports following operations of a join clause.

  • Inner join (join)

    This is the default behaviour of a join operation. join is used as the keyword to join two windows or a stream with a window. The output is generated only if there is a matching event in both stream/window.

  • Left outer join

    The left outer join operation allows you to join two windows or a stream with a window to be merged based on a condition. Here, it returns all the events of left stream/window even if there are no matching events in the right stream/window by having null values for the attributes of the right stream/window.

  • Right outer join

    This is similar to a left outer join. Right outer join is used as the keyword to join two windows or a stream with a window. It returns all the events of the right stream/window even if there are no matching events in the left stream/window.

  • Full outer join

    The full outer join combines the results of left outer join and right outer join. full outer join is used as the keyword to join two windows or a stream with a window. Here, output event are generated for each incoming event even if there are no matching events in the other stream/window.


A window can be an input to a query, similar to streams.

Note !!! When window is used as an input to a query, another window cannot be applied on top of this.


from <window> 
select <attribute name>, <attribute name>, ...
insert into <output stream>

Example This Siddhi Application calculates the maximum temperature within the last 5 minutes.

define window FiveMinTempWindow (roomNo int, temp double) time(5 min);

from FiveMinTempWindow
select max(temp) as maxValue, roomNo
insert into MaxSensorReadingStream;


Triggers allow events to be periodically generated. Trigger definition can be used to define a trigger. A trigger also works like a stream with a predefined schema.


For some use cases the system should be able to periodically generate events based on a specified time interval to perform some periodic executions.

A trigger can be performed for a 'start' operation, for a given <time interval>, or for a given '<cron expression>'.


The syntax for a trigger definition is as follows.

define trigger <trigger name> at ('start'| every <time interval>| '<cron expression>');

Similar to streams, triggers can be used as inputs. They adhere to the following stream definition and produce the triggered_time attribute of the long type.

define stream <trigger name> (triggered_time long);

The following types of triggeres are currently supported:

Trigger type Description
'start' An event is triggered when Siddhi is started.
every <time interval> An event is triggered periodically at the given time interval.
'<cron expression>' An event is triggered periodically based on the given cron expression. For configuration details, see quartz-scheduler.


  • Triggering events regularly at specific time intervals

    The following query triggers events every 5 minutes.

     define trigger FiveMinTriggerStream at every 5 min;
  • Triggering events at a specific time on specified days

    The following query triggers an event at 10.15 AM on every weekdays.

     define trigger FiveMinTriggerStream at '0 15 10 ? * MON-FRI';


Scripts allow you to write functions in other programming languages and execute them within Siddhi queries. Functions defined via scripts can be accessed in queries similar to any other inbuilt function. Function definitions can be used to define these scripts.

Function parameters are passed into the function logic as Object[] and with the name data .


Scripts allow you to define a function operation that is not provided in Siddhi core or its extension. It is not required to write an extension to define the function logic.


The syntax for a Script definition is as follows.

define function <function name>[<language name>] return <return type> {
    <operation of the function>

The following parameters are configured when defining a script.

Parameter Description
function name The name of the function (camelCase is used for the function name) as a convention.
language name The name of the programming language used to define the script, such as javascript, r and scala.
return type The attribute type of the function’s return. This can be int, long, float, double, string, bool or object. Here the function implementer should be responsible for returning the output attribute on the defined return type for proper functionality.
operation of the function Here, the execution logic of the function is added. This logic should be written in the language specified under the language name, and it should return the output in the data type specified via the return type parameter.


This query performs concatenation using JavaScript, and returns the output as a string.

define function concatFn[javascript] return string {
    var str1 = data[0];
    var str2 = data[1];
    var str3 = data[2];
    var responce = str1 + str2 + str3;
    return responce;

define stream TempStream(deviceID long, roomNo int, temp double);

from TempStream
select concatFn(roomNo,'-',deviceID) as id, temp 
insert into DeviceTempStream;

Store Query

Siddhi store queries are a set of on-demand queries that can be used to perform operations on Siddhi tables, windows, and aggregators.


Store queries allow you to execute the following operations on Siddhi tables, windows, and aggregators without the intervention of streams.

Queries supported for tables:


Queries supported for windows and aggregators:


This is be done by submitting the store query to the Siddhi application runtime using its query() method.

In order to execute store queries, the Siddhi application of the Siddhi application runtime you are using, should have a store defined, which contains the table that needs to be queried.


If you need to query the table named RoomTypeTable the it should have been defined in the Siddhi application.

In order to execute a store query on RoomTypeTable, you need to submit the store query using query() method of SiddhiAppRuntime instance as below.

siddhiAppRuntime.query(<store query>);

(Table/Window) Select

The SELECT store query retrieves records from the specified table or window, based on the given condition.


from <table/window>
<on condition>?
select <attribute name>, <attribute name>, ...
<group by>? 
<order by>? 


This query retrieves room numbers and types of the rooms starting from room no 10.

from roomTypeTable
on roomNo >= 10;
select roomNo, type

(Aggregation) Select

The SELECT store query retrieves records from the specified aggregation, based on the given condition, time range, and granularity.


from <aggregation>
<on condition>?
within <time range>
per <time granularity>
select <attribute name>, <attribute name>, ...
<group by>? 
<order by>? 


Following aggregation definition will be used for the examples.

define stream TradeStream (symbol string, price double, volume long, timestamp long);

define aggregation TradeAggregation
  from TradeStream
  select symbol, avg(price) as avgPrice, sum(price) as total
    group by symbol
    aggregate by timestamp every sec ... year;

This query retrieves daily aggregations within the time range "2014-02-15 00:00:00 +05:30", "2014-03-16 00:00:00 +05:30" (Please note that +05:30 can be omitted if timezone is GMT)

from TradeAggregation
  within "2014-02-15 00:00:00 +05:30", "2014-03-16 00:00:00 +05:30" 
  per "days" 
select symbol, total, avgPrice ;

This query retrieves hourly aggregations of "FB" symbol within the day 2014-02-15.

from TradeAggregation
  on symbol == "FB" 
  within "2014-02-15 **:**:** +05:30"
  per "hours" 
select symbol, total, avgPrice;


This allows you to insert a new record to the table with the attribute values you define in the select section.


select <attribute name>, <attribute name>, ...
insert into <table>;


This store query inserts a new record to the table RoomOccupancyTable, with the specified attribute values.

select 10 as roomNo, 2 as people
insert into RoomOccupancyTable 


The DELETE store query deletes selected records from a specified table.


delete <table>  
on <conditional expresssion>

The condition element specifies the basis on which records are selected to be deleted.


Table attributes must always be referred to with the table name as shown below:
<table name>.<attibute name>.


In this example, query deletes a record in the table named RoomTypeTable if it has value for the roomNo attribute that matches the value for the roomNumber attribute of the selection which has 10 as the actual value.

select 10 as roomNumber
delete RoomTypeTable
on RoomTypeTable.roomNo == roomNumber;
delete RoomTypeTable
on RoomTypeTable.roomNo == 10;


The UPDATE store query updates selected attributes stored in a specific table, based on a given condition.


select <attribute name>, <attribute name>, ...?
update <table>
    set <table>.<attribute name> = (<attribute name>|<expression>)?, <table>.<attribute name> = (<attribute name>|<expression>)?, ...
    on <condition>

The condition element specifies the basis on which records are selected to be updated. When specifying the condition, table attributes must be referred to with the table name.

You can use the set keyword to update selected attributes from the table. Here, for each assignment, the attribute specified in the left must be the table attribute, and the one specified in the right can be a stream/table attribute a mathematical operation, or other. When the set clause is not provided, all the attributes in the table are updated.


Table attributes must always be referred to with the table name as shown below:
<table name>.<attibute name>.


The following query updates the room occupancy by increasing the value of people by 1, in the RoomOccupancyTable table for each room number greater than 10.

select 10 as roomNumber, 1 as arrival
update RoomTypeTable
    set RoomTypeTable.people = RoomTypeTable.people + arrival
    on RoomTypeTable.roomNo == roomNumber;
update RoomTypeTable
    set RoomTypeTable.people = RoomTypeTable.people + 1
    on RoomTypeTable.roomNo == 10;

Update or Insert

This allows you to update selected attributes if a record that meets the given conditions already exists in the specified table. If a matching record does not exist, the entry is inserted as a new record.


select <attribute name>, <attribute name>, ...
update or insert into <table>
    set <table>.<attribute name> = <expression>, <table>.<attribute name> = <expression>, ...
    on <condition>
The condition element specifies the basis on which records are selected for update. When specifying the condition, table attributes should be referred to with the table name. If a record that matches the condition does not already exist in the table, the arriving event is inserted into the table.

The set clause is only used when an update is performed during the insert/update operation. When set clause is used, the attribute to the left is always a table attribute, and the attribute to the right can be a stream/table attribute, mathematical operation or other. The attribute to the left (i.e., the attribute in the event table) is updated with the value of the attribute to the right if the given condition is met. When the set clause is not provided, all the attributes in the table are updated.


Table attributes must always be referred to with the table name as shown below:
<table name>.<attibute name>.


The following query tries to update the records in the RoomAssigneeTable table that have room numbers that match the same in the selection. If such records are not found, it inserts a new record based on the values provided in the selection.

select 10 as roomNo, "single" as type, "abc" as assignee
update or insert into RoomAssigneeTable
    set RoomAssigneeTable.assignee = assignee
    on RoomAssigneeTable.roomNo == roomNo;


Siddhi supports an extension architecture to enhance its functionality by incorporating other libraries in a seamless manner.


Extensions are supported because, Siddhi core cannot have all the functionality that's needed for all the use cases, mostly use cases require different type of functionality, and for some cases there can be gaps and you need to write the functionality by yourself.

All extensions have a namespace. This is used to identify the relevant extensions together, and to let you specifically call the extension.


Extensions follow the following syntax;

<namespace>:<function name>(<parameter>, <parameter>, ... )

The following parameters are configured when referring a script function.

Parameter Description
namespace Allows Siddhi to identify the extension without conflict
function name The name of the function referred.
parameter The function input parameter for function execution.

Extension Types

Siddhi supports following extension types:

  • Function

    For each event, it consumes zero or more parameters as input parameters and returns a single attribute. This can be used to manipulate existing event attributes to generate new attributes like any Function operation.

    This is implemented by extending io.siddhi.core.executor.function.FunctionExecutor.

    Example :


    Here, the sin function of math extension returns the sin value for the x parameter.

  • Aggregate Function

    For each event, it consumes zero or more parameters as input parameters and returns a single attribute with aggregated results. This can be used in conjunction with a window in order to find the aggregated results based on the given window like any Aggregate Function operation.

    This is implemented by extending io.siddhi.core.query.selector.attribute.aggregator.AttributeAggregatorExecutor.

    Example :


    Here, the std aggregate function of custom extension returns the standard deviation of the x value based on its assigned window query.

  • Window

    This allows events to be collected, generated, dropped and expired anytime without altering the event format based on the given input parameters, similar to any other Window operator.

    This is implemented by extending

    Example :


    Here, the unique window of the custom extension retains one event for each unique key parameter.

  • Stream Function

    This allows events to be generated or dropped only during event arrival and altered by adding one or more attributes to it.

    This is implemented by extending

    Example :


    Here, the pol2cart function of the custom extension returns all the events by calculating the cartesian coordinates x & y and adding them as new attributes to the events.

  • Stream Processor

    This allows events to be collected, generated, dropped and expired anytime by altering the event format by adding one or more attributes to it based on the given input parameters.

    Implemented by extending

    Example :

    custom:perMinResults(<parameter>, <parameter>, ...)

    Here, the perMinResults function of the custom extension returns all events by adding one or more attributes to the events based on the conversion logic. Altered events are output every minute regardless of event arrivals.

  • Sink

    Sinks provide a way to publish Siddhi events to external systems in the preferred data format. Sinks publish events from the streams via multiple transports to external endpoints in various data formats.

    Implemented by extending

    Example :

    @sink(type='sink_type', static_option_key1='static_option_value1')

    To configure a stream to publish events via a sink, add the sink configuration to a stream definition by adding the @sink annotation with the required parameter values. The sink syntax is as above

  • Source

    Source allows Siddhi to consume events from external systems, and map the events to adhere to the associated stream. Sources receive events via multiple transports and in various data formats, and direct them into streams for processing.

    Implemented by extending

    Example :

    @source(type='source_type', static.option.key1='static_option_value1')

    To configure a stream that consumes events via a source, add the source configuration to a stream definition by adding the @source annotation with the required parameter values. The source syntax is as above

  • Store

    You can use Store extension type to work with data/events stored in various data stores through the table abstraction. You can find more information about these extension types under the heading 'Extension types' in this document.

    Implemented by extending io.siddhi.core.table.record.AbstractRecordTable.

  • Script

    Scripts allow you to define a function operation that is not provided in Siddhi core or its extension. It is not required to write an extension to define the function logic. Scripts allow you to write functions in other programming languages and execute them within Siddhi queries. Functions defined via scripts can be accessed in queries similar to any other inbuilt function.

    Implemented by extending io.siddhi.core.function.Script.

  • Source Mapper

    Each @source configuration has a mapping denoted by the @map annotation that converts the incoming messages format to Siddhi events.The type parameter of the @map defines the map type to be used to map the data. The other parameters to be configured depends on the mapper selected. Some of these parameters are optional.

    Implemented by extending

    Example :

    @map(type='map_type', static_option_key1='static_option_value1')

  • Sink Mapper

    Each @sink configuration has a mapping denoted by the @map annotation that converts the outgoing Siddhi events to configured messages format.The type parameter of the @map defines the map type to be used to map the data. The other parameters to be configured depends on the mapper selected. Some of these parameters are optional.

    Implemented by extending

    Example :

    @map(type='map_type', static_option_key1='static_option_value1')


A window extension created with namespace foo and function name unique can be referred as follows:

from StockExchangeStream[price >= 20]
select symbol, price
insert into StockQuote

Available Extensions

Siddhi currently has several pre written extensions that are available here

We value your contribution on improving Siddhi and its extensions further.

Writing Custom Extensions

Custom extensions can be written in order to cater use case specific logic that are not available in Siddhi out of the box or as an existing extension.

There are five types of Siddhi extensions that you can write to cater your specific use cases. These extension types and the related maven archetypes are given below. You can use these archetypes to generate Maven projects for each extension type.

  • Follow the procedure for the required archetype, based on your project:


When using the generated archetype please make sure you complete the @Extension annotation with proper values. This annotation will be used to identify and document the extension, hence your extension will not work without @Extension annotation.


Siddhi-execution provides following extension types:

  • Function
  • Aggregate Function
  • Stream Function
  • Stream Processor
  • Window

You can use one or more from above mentioned extension types and implement according to your requirement.

For more information about these extension types, see Extension Types.

To install and implement the siddhi-io extension archetype, follow the procedure below:

  1. Issue the following command from your CLI.

    mvn archetype:generate
  2. Enter the mandatory properties prompted, please see the description for all properties below.

    Properties Description Mandatory Default Value
    _nameOfFunction Name of the custom function to be created Y -
    _nameSpaceOfFunction Namespace of the function, used to grouped similar custom functions Y -
    groupIdPostfix Namespace of the function is added as postfix to the groupId as a convention N
    artifactId Artifact Id of the project N siddhi-execution-
    classNameOfAggregateFunction Class name of the Aggregate Function N $
    classNameOfFunction Class name of the Function N $
    classNameOfStreamFunction Class name of the Stream Function N $
    classNameOfStreamProcessor Class name of the Stream Processor N $
    classNameOfWindow Class name of the Window N $
  3. To confirm that all property values are correct, type Y in the console. If not, press N.


Siddhi-io provides following extension types:

  • Sink
  • Source

You can use one or more from above mentioned extension types and implement according to your requirement. siddhi-io is generally used to work with IO operations as follows: * The Source extension type gets inputs to your Siddhi application. * The Sink extension publishes outputs from your Siddhi application.

For more information about these extension types, see Extension Types.

To implement the siddhi-io extension archetype, follow the procedure below:

  1. Issue the following command from your CLI.

    mvn archetype:generate
  2. Enter the mandatory properties prompted, please see the description for all properties below.

    Properties Description Mandatory Default Value
    _IOType Type of IO for which Siddhi-io extension is written Y -
    groupIdPostfix Type of the IO is added as postfix to the groupId as a convention N
    artifactId Artifact Id of the project N siddhi-io-
    classNameOfSink Class name of the Sink N
    classNameOfSource Class name of the Source N
  3. To confirm that all property values are correct, type Y in the console. If not, press N.


Siddhi-map provides following extension types,

  • Sink Mapper
  • Source Mapper

You can use one or more from above mentioned extension types and implement according to your requirement as follows.

  • The Source Mapper maps events to a predefined data format (such as XML, JSON, binary, etc), and publishes them to external endpoints (such as E-mail, TCP, Kafka, HTTP, etc).
  • The Sink Mapper also maps events to a predefined data format, but it does it at the time of publishing events from a Siddhi application.

For more information about these extension types, see Extension Types.

To implement the siddhi-map extension archetype, follow the procedure below:

  1. Issue the following command from your CLI.

    mvn archetype:generate
  2. Enter the mandatory properties prompted, please see the description for all properties below.

    Properties Description Mandatory Default Value
    _mapType Type of Mapper for which Siddhi-map extension is written Y -
    groupIdPostfix Type of the Map is added as postfix to the groupId as a convention N
    artifactId Artifact Id of the project N siddhi-map-
    classNameOfSinkMapper Class name of the Sink Mapper N
    classNameOfSourceMapper Class name of the Source Mapper N
    3. To confirm that all property values are correct, type Y in the console. If not, press N.


Siddhi-script provides the Script extension type.

The script extension type allows you to write functions in other programming languages and execute them within Siddhi queries. Functions defined via scripts can be accessed in queries similar to any other inbuilt function.

For more information about these extension types, see Extension Types.

To implement the siddhi-script extension archetype, follow the procedure below:

  1. Issue the following command from your CLI.

    mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=org.wso2.siddhi.extension.archetype -DarchetypeArtifactId=siddhi-archetype-script -DgroupId=org.wso2.extension.siddhi.script -Dversion=1.0.0-SNAPSHOT

  2. Enter the mandatory properties prompted, please see the description for all properties below.

    Properties Description Mandatory Default Value
    _nameOfScript Name of Custom Script for which Siddhi-script extension is written Y -
    groupIdPostfix Name of the Script is added as postfix to the groupId as a convention N
    artifactId Artifact Id of the project N siddhi-script-
    classNameOfScript Class name of the Script N Eval
  3. To confirm that all property values are correct, type Y in the console. If not, press N.


Siddhi-store provides the Store extension type.

The Store extension type allows you to work with data/events stored in various data stores through the table abstraction.

For more information about these extension types, see Extension Types.

To implement the siddhi-store extension archetype, follow the procedure below:

  1. Issue the following command from your CLI.

    mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=org.wso2.siddhi.extension.archetype -DarchetypeArtifactId=siddhi-archetype-store -Dversion=1.0.0-SNAPSHOT

  2. Enter the mandatory properties prompted, please see the description for all properties below.

    Properties Description Mandatory Default Value
    _storeType Type of Store for which Siddhi-store extension is written Y -
    groupIdPostfix Type of the Store is added as postfix to the groupId as a convention N
    artifactId Artifact Id of the project N siddhi-store-
    className Class name of the Store N
  3. To confirm that all property values are correct, type Y in the console. If not, press N.

Configuring and Monitoring Siddhi Applications

Threading and Asynchronous

When @Async annotation is added to the Streams it enable the Streams to introduce asynchronous and multi-threading behaviour.

@Async(buffer.size='256', workers='2', batch.size.max='5')
define stream <stream name> (<attribute name> <attribute type>, <attribute name> <attribute type>, ... );
The following elements are configured with this annotation.

Annotation Description Default Value
buffer.size The size of the event buffer that will be used to handover the execution to other threads. -
workers Number of worker threads that will be be used to process the buffered events. 1
batch.size.max The maximum number of events that will be processed together by a worker thread at a given time. buffer.size

Fault Streams

When the @OnError annotation is added to a stream definition, it handles failover scenarios that occur during runtime gracefully.

define stream <stream name> (<attribute name> <attribute type>, <attribute name> <attribute type>, ... );

The action parameter of the @OnError annotation defines the action to be executed during failure scenarios.

The following action types can be specified via the @OnError annotation when defining a stream. If this annotation is not added, LOG is the action type by default.

  • LOG : Logs the event with an error, and then drops the event.
  • STREAM: A fault stream is automatically created for the base stream. The definition of the fault stream includes all the attributes of the base stream as well as an additional attribute named _error. The events are inserted into the fault stream during a failure. The error identified is captured as the value for the _error attribute.

e.g., the following is a Siddhi application that includes the @OnError annotation to handle failures during runtime.

define stream StreamA (symbol string, volume long);

from StreamA[custom:fault() > volume] 
insert into StreamB;

from !StreamA#log("Error Occured")
select symbol, volume long, _error
insert into tempStream;

!StreamA, fault stream is automatically created when you add the @OnError annotation with the following attributes.

symbol string, volume long, _error object

If you include the on.error parameter in the sink configuration, failures are handled by Siddhi at the time the events are published from the Sink.

@sink(type='sink_type', on.error='on.error.action')
define stream <stream name> (<attribute name> <attribute type>, <attribute name> <attribute type>, ... );

The action types that can be specified via the on.error parameter when configuring a sink are as follows. If this parameter is not included in the sink configuration, LOG is the action type by default.

  • LOG : Logs the event with the error, and then drops the event.
  • WAIT : The thread waits in the back-off and re-trying state, and reconnects once the connection is re-established.
  • STREAM: Corresponding fault stream is populated with the failed event and the error while publishing.


Use @app:statistics app level annotation to evaluate the performance of an application, you can enable the statistics of a Siddhi application to be published. This is done via the @app:statistics annotation that can be added to a Siddhi application as shown in the following example.

@app:statistics(reporter = 'console')
The following elements are configured with this annotation.

Annotation Description Default Value
reporter The interface in which statistics for the Siddhi application are published. Possible values are as follows:
interval The time interval (in seconds) at which the statistics for the Siddhi application are reported. 60
include If this parameter is added, only the types of metrics you specify are included in the reporting. The required metric types can be specified as a comma-separated list. It is also possible to use wild cards All (.)

The metrics are reported in the following format. io.siddhi.SiddhiApps.<SiddhiAppName>.Siddhi.<Component Type>.<Component Name>. <Metrics name>

The following table lists the types of metrics supported for different Siddhi application component types.

Component Type Metrics Type
Stream Throughput
The size of the buffer if parallel processing is enabled via the @async annotation.
Trigger Throughput (Trigger and Stream)
Source Throughput
Sink Throughput
Mapper Latency
Input/output throughput
Table Memory
Throughput (For all operations)
Throughput (For all operations)
Query Memory
Window Throughput (For all operations)
Latency (For all operation)
Partition Throughput (For all operations)
Latency (For all operation)

e.g., the following is a Siddhi application that includes the @app annotation to report performance statistics.

@App:Statistics(reporter = 'console')

define stream TestStream (message string);

from TestSream#log("Message:")
insert into TempSream;

Statistics are reported for this Siddhi application as shown in the extract below.

Click to view the extract 11/26/17 8:01:20 PM ============================================================ -- Gauges ---------------------------------------------------------------------- io.siddhi.SiddhiApps.TestMetrics.Siddhi.Queries.logQuery.memory value = 5760 io.siddhi.SiddhiApps.TestMetrics.Siddhi.Streams.TestStream.size value = 0 -- Meters ---------------------------------------------------------------------- io.siddhi.SiddhiApps.TestMetrics.Siddhi.Sources.TestStream.http.throughput count = 0 mean rate = 0.00 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.00 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.00 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.00 events/second io.siddhi.SiddhiApps.TestMetrics.Siddhi.Streams.TempSream.throughput count = 2 mean rate = 0.04 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.03 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.01 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.00 events/second io.siddhi.SiddhiApps.TestMetrics.Siddhi.Streams.TestStream.throughput count = 2 mean rate = 0.04 events/second 1-minute rate = 0.03 events/second 5-minute rate = 0.01 events/second 15-minute rate = 0.00 events/second -- Timers ---------------------------------------------------------------------- io.siddhi.SiddhiApps.TestMetrics.Siddhi.Queries.logQuery.latency count = 2 mean rate = 0.11 calls/second 1-minute rate = 0.34 calls/second 5-minute rate = 0.39 calls/second 15-minute rate = 0.40 calls/second min = 0.61 milliseconds max = 1.08 milliseconds mean = 0.84 milliseconds stddev = 0.23 milliseconds median = 0.61 milliseconds 75% <= 1.08 milliseconds 95% <= 1.08 milliseconds 98% <= 1.08 milliseconds 99% <= 1.08 milliseconds 99.9% <= 1.08 milliseconds

Event Playback

When @app:playback annotation is added to the app, the timestamp of the event (specified via an attribute) is treated as the current time. This results in events being processed faster. The following elements are configured with this annotation.

Annotation Description
idle.time If no events are received during a time interval specified (in milliseconds) via this element, the Siddhi system time is incremented by a number of seconds specified via the increment element.
increment The number of seconds by which the Siddhi system time must be incremented if no events are received during the time interval specified via the idle.time element.

e.g., In the following example, the Siddhi system time is incremented by two seconds if no events arrive for a time interval of 100 milliseconds.

@app:playback(idle.time = '100 millisecond', increment = '2 sec')
