Transform JSON

Provides examples on transforming JSON object within Siddhi.

For all functions available to transform JSON see Siddhi Execution JSON.

define stream InputStream(jsonString string);

from InputStream 
select json:toObject(jsonString) as jsonObj 
insert into PersonalDetails;

from PersonalDetails
select jsonObj, 
    json:getString(jsonObj,'$.name') as name,
    json:isExists(jsonObj, '$.salary') as isSalaryAvailable,
    json:toString(jsonObj) as jsonString 
insert into OutputStream;

from OutputStream[isSalaryAvailable == false]
    json:setElement(jsonObj, '$', 0f, 'salary') as jsonObj
insert into PreprocessedStream;
define stream InputStream(jsonString string);
from InputStream 
select json:toObject(jsonString) as jsonObj 

Transforms JSON string to JSON object which can then be manipulated

insert into PersonalDetails;
from PersonalDetails
select jsonObj, 
    json:getString(jsonObj,'$.name') as name,

Get the name element(string) form the JSON

    json:isExists(jsonObj, '$.salary') as isSalaryAvailable,

Validate if salary element is available

    json:toString(jsonObj) as jsonString 

Stringify the JSON object

insert into OutputStream;
from OutputStream[isSalaryAvailable == false]
    json:setElement(jsonObj, '$', 0f, 'salary') as jsonObj

Set salary element to 0 is not available

insert into PreprocessedStream;


Below event is sent to InputStream,


    "name" : "siddhi.user",
    "address" : {
        "country": "Sri Lanka",
    "contact": "+9xxxxxxxx"



After processing, the following events will be arriving:

  • OutputStream:
    [ {"address":{"country":"Sri Lanka"},"contact":"+9xxxxxxxx","name":"siddhi.user"}, siddhi.user, false,
    "{\"name\" : \"siddhi.user\", \"address\" : { \"country\": \"Sri Lanka\", }, \"contact\": \"+9xxxxxxxx\"}"]
  • PreprocessedStream:

        "name" : "siddhi.user",
        "salary": 0.0
        "address" : {
            "country": "Sri Lanka",
        "contact": "+9xxxxxxxx"

