Siddhi 5.1 as a Local Microservice¶
This section provides information on running Siddhi Apps on Bare Metal or VM.
Siddhi Microservice can run one or more Siddhi Applications with required system configurations.
Here, the Siddhi application (.siddhi
file) contains stream processing logic and the necessary system configurations can be passed via the Siddhi configuration .yaml
Steps to Run Siddhi Local Microservice is as follows.
- Download the latest Siddhi Runner distribution.
- Unzip the
- Start SiddhiApps with the runner config by executing the following commands from the distribution directory
Linux/Mac :./bin/ -Dapps=<siddhi-file> -Dconfig=<config-yaml-file>
Windows :bin\runner.bat -Dapps=<siddhi-file> -Dconfig=<config-yaml-file>
Running Multiple SiddhiApps in one runner.
To run multiple SiddhiApps in one runtime, have all SiddhiApps in a directory and pass its location through -Dapps
parameter as follows,
Always use absolute path for SiddhiApps and runner configs.
Providing absolute path of SiddhiApp file, or directory in -Dapps
parameter, and when providing the Siddhi runner config yaml on -Dconfig
parameter while starting Siddhi runner.
Siddhi Tooling
You can also use the powerful Siddhi Editor to implement and test steam processing applications.
Configuring Siddhi
To configure databases, extensions, authentication, periodic state persistence, and statistics for Siddhi as Local Microservice refer Siddhi Config Guide.
Running Siddhi App¶
Following SiddhiApp collects events via HTTP and logs the number of events arrived during last 15 seconds.
@App:description('Receive events via HTTP, and logs the number of events received during last 15 seconds')
@source(type = 'http', receiver.url = "",
@map(type = 'json'))
define stream ProductionStream (name string, amount double);
@sink(type = 'log')
define stream TotalCountStream (totalCount long);
-- Count the incoming events
@info(name = 'query1')
from ProductionStream#window.time(15 sec)
select count() as totalCount
insert into TotalCountStream;
Copy the above SiddhiApp, and create the SiddhiApp file
Run the SiddhiApp by executing following commands from the distribution directory
Linux/Mac :
1./bin/ -Dapps=<absolute-siddhi-file-path>/CountOverTime.siddhi
Windows :
1bin\runner.bat -Dapps=<absolute-siddhi-file-path>\CountOverTime.siddhi
Test the SiddhiApp by calling the HTTP endpoint using curl or Postman as follows,
Publish events with curl command:
123curl -X POST http://localhost:8006/production \ -header "Content-Type:application/json" \ -d '{"event":{"name":"Cake","amount":20.12}}'
Publish events with Postman:
- Install 'Postman' application from Chrome web store
- Launch the application
Make a 'Post' request to 'http://localhost:8006/production' endpoint. Set the Content-Type to
and set the request body in json format as follows,123456{ "event": { "name": "Cake", "amount": 20.12 } }
Runner logs the total count on the console. Note, how the count increments with every event sent.
123[2019-04-11 13:36:03,517 ] INFO {} - CountOverTime : TotalCountStream : Event{timestamp=1554969963512, data=[1], isExpired=false} [2019-04-11 13:36:10,267] INFO {} - CountOverTime : TotalCountStream : Event{timestamp=1554969970267, data=[2], isExpired=false} [2019-04-11 13:36:41,694] INFO {} - CountOverTime : TotalCountStream : Event{timestamp=1554970001694, data=[1], isExpired=false}
Running with runner config¶
When running SiddhiApps users can optionally provide a config yaml to Siddhi runner to manage configurations such as state persistence, databases connections and secure vault.
Following SiddhiApp collects events via HTTP and store them in H2 Database.
@App:description("Consume events from HTTP and write to TEST_DB")
@source(type = 'http', receiver.url = "",
@map(type = 'json'))
define stream ProductionStream (name string, amount double);
@store(type='rdbms', datasource='TEST_DB')
define table ProductionTable (name string, amount double);
-- Store all events to the table
@info(name = 'query1')
from ProductionStream
insert into ProductionTable;
The runner config can by configured with the relevant datasource information and passed when starting the runner
- name: TEST_DB
description: The datasource used for testing
type: RDBMS
jdbcUrl: 'jdbc:h2:${sys:carbon.home}/wso2/${sys:wso2.runtime}/database/TEST_DB;DB_CLOSE_ON_EXIT=FALSE;LOCK_TIMEOUT=60000'
username: admin
password: admin
driverClassName: org.h2.Driver
maxPoolSize: 10
idleTimeout: 60000
connectionTestQuery: SELECT 1
validationTimeout: 30000
isAutoCommit: false
- Copy the above SiddhiApp, & config yaml, and create corresponding the SiddhiApp file
files. - Run the SiddhiApp by executing following commands from the distribution directory
- Linux/Mac :
./bin/ -Dapps=<absolute-siddhi-file-path>/ConsumeAndStore.siddhi \ -Dconfig=<absolute-config-yaml-path>/TestDb.yaml
- Windows :
bin\ -Dapps=<absolute-siddhi-file-path>\ConsumeAndStore.siddhi ^ -Dconfig=<absolute-config-yaml-path>\TestDb.yaml
- Linux/Mac :
- Add data to H2 Database by calling the Siddhi Input stream HTTP endpoint
- Publish events with curl command:
Publish few json to the http endpoint as follows,curl -X POST http://localhost:8006/production \ --header "Content-Type:application/json" \ -d '{"event":{"name":"Cake","amount":20.12}}'
- Publish events with Postman:
- Install 'Postman' application from Chrome web store
- Launch the application
- Make a 'Post' request to 'http://localhost:8006/production' endpoint. Set the Content-Type to
and set the request body in json format as follows,{ "event": { "name": "Cake", "amount": 20.12 } }
- Publish events with curl command:
- Query Siddhi Store APIs to retrieve 10 records from the table.
- Query stored events with curl command:
Publish few json to the http endpoint as follows,curl -X POST https://localhost:9443/stores/query \ -H "content-type: application/json" \ -u "admin:admin" \ -d '{"appName" : "ConsumeAndStore", "query" : "from ProductionTable select * limit 10;" }' -k
- Query stored events with Postman:
- Install 'Postman' application from Chrome web store
- Launch the application
- Make a 'Post' request to 'https://localhost:9443/stores/query' endpoint. Set the Content-Type to
and set the request body in json format as follows,{ "appName" : "ConsumeAndStore", "query" : "from ProductionTable select * limit 10;" }
- Query stored events with curl command:
- The results of the query will be as follows,
{ "records":[ ["Cake",20.12] ] }
Running with environmental/system variables¶
Templating SiddhiApps allows users to provide environment/system variables to siddhiApps at runtime. This can help users to migrate SiddhiApps from one environment to another (E.g from dev, test and to prod).
Following templated SiddhiApp collects events via HTTP, filters them based on amount
greater than a given threshold value, and only sends the filtered events via email.
value, and TO_EMAIL
are templated in the TemplatedFilterAndEmail.siddhi
@App:description("Consumes events from HTTP, filters them based on amount greater than a templated threshold value, and sends filtered events via email.")
@source(type = 'http', receiver.url = "",
@map(type = 'json'))
define stream ProductionStream (name string, amount double);
@sink(ref = 'email-sink', subject = 'High {{name}} production!', to = '${TO_EMAIL}', content.type = 'text/html',
@map(type = 'text',
Hi, <br/><br/>
High production of <b>{{name}},</b> with amount <b>{{amount}}</b> identified. <br/><br/>
For more information please contact production department.<br/><br/>
Thank you""")))
define stream FilteredProductionStream (name string, amount double);
-- Filters the events based on threshold
@info(name = 'query1')
from ProductionStream[amount > ${THRESHOLD}]
insert into FilteredProductionStream;
The runner config is configured with a gmail account to send email messages in EmailConfig.yaml
by templating sending EMAIL_ADDRESS
name: 'email-sink'
type: 'email'
port: '465'
host: ''
ssl.enable: 'true'
auth: 'true'
ssl.enable: 'true'
# User your gmail configurations here
address: '${EMAIL_ADDRESS}' #E.g.
username: '${EMAIL_USERNAME}' #E.g. test
password: '${EMAIL_PASSWORD}' #E.g. password
- Copy the above SiddhiApp, & config yaml, and create corresponding the SiddhiApp file
files. - Set environment variables by running following in the termial Siddhi is about to run:
export THRESHOLD=20 export TO_EMAIL=<to email address> export EMAIL_ADDRESS=<gmail address> export EMAIL_USERNAME=<gmail username> export EMAIL_PASSWORD=<gmail password>
Or they can also be passed as system variables by adding-DTHRESHOLD=20 -DTO_EMAIL=>to email address> -DEMAIL_ADDRESS=<gmail address> -DEMAIL_USERNAME=<gmail username> -DEMAIL_PASSWORD=<gmail password>
to the end of the runner startup script. - Run the SiddhiApp by executing following commands from the distribution directory
- Linux/Mac :
./bin/ -Dapps=<absolute-file-path>/TemplatedFilterAndEmail.siddhi \ -Dconfig=<absolute-config-yaml-path>/EmailConfig.yaml
- Windows :
bin\runner.bat -Dapps=<absolute-file-path>\TemplatedFilterAndEmail.siddhi ^ -Dconfig=<absolute-config-yaml-path>\EmailConfig.yaml
- Linux/Mac :
- Test the SiddhiApp by calling the HTTP endpoint using curl or Postman as follows
- Publish events with curl command:
Publish few json to the http endpoint as follows,curl -X POST http://localhost:8006/production \ --header "Content-Type:application/json" \ -d '{"event":{"name":"Cake","amount":2000.0}}'
- Publish events with Postman:
- Install 'Postman' application from Chrome web store
- Launch the application
- Make a 'Post' request to 'http://localhost:8006/production' endpoint. Set the Content-Type to
and set the request body in json format as follows,{ "event": { "name": "Cake", "amount": 2000.0 } }
- Publish events with curl command:
- Check the
for the published email message, which will look as follows,Subject : High Cake production! Hi, High production of Cake, with amount 2000.0 identified. For more information please contact production department. Thank you